Saturday, March 14, 2009

May she rest in peace

So I recently found out a girl I knew in high school passed away. I wasn't close to her or anything, I just had her for a few classes and knew who she was. From what I heard, this happened because her step-father shot her and then shot himself. I didn't know how to react. How does one get the motivation to do such a thing? Seriously, what has this world come to?

I remember a few weeks ago, I was watching the news and they were talking about how a man killed his family (I think he had five kids and a wife) and himself in a city nearby. I was gonna write a blog that day, but it slipped my mind. I remember them saying he did it 'cause he and his family weren't living a very stable life in this economy. That's not worth ending lives over, though. Especially in the United States. There's so much opportunity out there. Whether one's problems are economic, social, physical, or emotional you can always bet that there are others going through the same thing you are, and you'll always be able to find help somewhere. I just don't understand how one can do such a thing as murdering their family or ending their own life, regardless what the circumstances are. Why would one do this? It's pretty messed up. Seriously, if you're considering doing something like that... re-think it. Get help somewhere. I don't care if you're saying something like "but nobody understands what it's like! no one can help!" Just don't do anything that would risk anyone's life, including your own. Nobody deserves to just leave the world for a dumb reason. When the world is ready to let go of you, it will. Don't make that choice for yourself.

All that being said... It's hard enough to believe that things like that can really happen. It's even harder to take in when it happens to someone you once knew. Take care of yourselves, everyone. Don't forget to let the people you love know how much you care. Try and make the best of the time you have here.

R. I. P. Celestina

You won't be forgotten.

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