Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two guys, a girl, and a bag.

Tuesday January the 29th. Zachary, Jonathan, and Reyna went on a field trip with their good friend Bag.

Whoops, no parking!

Bad Bag, get outta there!

Bag doesn't J-walk.

Noo. Silly Bag. You're not for rent.

Damnit, Bag! We already told you! NO PARKING!

Don't go the wrong way, Bag.

Oh wow, Bag went to East LA.

Where'd Bag go? =[

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Untitled [due to a lack of creativity, originality, and inspiration]

So I was watching this:

and i was like
haha, i already knew the first two or three facts.
the whole thing was a trip
then i'm like
ehhh fuck it.
it is what it is.
nothing i can do to change the US as we know it
sometimes i wish i cared about stuff going on in the world, tho
i mean, i do care
but i wish i cared enough to do something about it
i wish i wasn't so caught up in myself and bitching about what a louse i am, y'know?
then i'd be more motivated to do good in the future. 'cause i'd have a goal n shit.

Don't be offended...

People have to stop swearing i mean everything i say.

ok, maybe i do.
maybe i don't.

they just have to stop getting pan hurt.

i'm not a bitch.
i just bring up taboo subjects. =D
or make taboo comments, whatever.

people that know me... know not to get all hurt about the shit i say about them.
they know i don't say it to be a bitch.
that's just the way i am.

i guess i'm a horrible friend.

this was originally a bulletin aimed at one person.
i decided to blog it 'cause i wanna keep this.
but i know i've made others get all pan hurt without meaning to
only because i said something that was on my mind.

i'm not sorry. i'm just like that.

i guess this is just a heads up for you if you're gonna start talking to me or hanging out with me.