Saturday, July 25, 2009

People at libraries should be more literate

Okay, maybe that title's kinda mean. I apologize.

If you know me pretty well or follow me on Twitter or DailyBooth, you've probably noticed that I visit the library a lot. If I talk to you regularly, you probably know the type of people I run into at the library. I'm flattered that somebody would go out of his way to write me a note and/or talk to me. Really. But I always laugh at the type of people that seem interested in me. I know this isn't the first I've talked of this, but it gives me something to write about and maybe have a little laugh at. I don't know if I feel bad for making fun of these guys or not. Anyway, I wanted to talk about two people that have confronted me when I've been at the library.

Library guy number one. If you haven't seen this video, go watch it now because I don't wanna type the story. The guy I'm talking about in that video is the same one I'm referring to below.

Since this guy was so eager to contact me on MySpace, I decided to take a look at his profile when I got home that day. Even though a lot of people have totally different identities on MySpace than they do in real life, you do learn a lot about them through their profiles. Some of them are just a total lolfest. Here are some things I found on this library creeper's profile.

This guy's name is Johnny and he lives in two places. Probably leading a double life. His headline makes me wonder who this so-called Jason is and what he's got to do with natural organic hair products. Maybe it's his alter-ego. I'm not sure which one lives where, though. Don't worry, Johnny. Your secret's safe with us.

I scrolled down a bit and found out that yes, he will. Only me. Zero Nine Two Two. Perhaps he shares a birthday with Tom Felton.

That's his About Me. If you're too lazy to click and read it, just know that the first and most important thing he wants you to know about him are his birthday (which is already in his URL), and the fact that he can type really fast without looking at the keyboard. He also lets us know that he lives with his grandmother and tells us who lived in the back of his residence and when they moved out. He goes on to inform us that he has soft hands and juicy lips and gives us a very concise history of his parents' relationship. After that, there's some sort of fragment saying "HONDA-CRV 2009." The end. Thank you, Johnny...or should I say Jason? I feel very enlightened.

This is his favorite book. It's pretty safe to assume he went to a midnight release party when its sequel, "More Natural 'Cures' Revealed," was released. Maybe he even got to meet Kevin Trudeau himself there!

Library guy number two. I was about to sit down and read Little Brother on my netbook when I made eye contact with a guy sitting a few feet away from me. He wasn't hideously ugly, nor supre cute. Just kinda meh. He looked like he was doing some sort of math or science work. I dunno. All I know is he had a calculator on him. About two hours after I got there, I decided I wanted to go home, so I packed my stuff and headed outside. I stopped by this tiny store outside the library where they sell cheap books that no one wants any more to see if I found anything interesting. When I was in there, I noticed that guy look towards my direction and walk outside. He seemed to be stalling. As I walked outside, he tapped me on the shoulder, and said "for you." He handed this note and walked back inside:

I was about to take every sentence in that letter and be my stupid/smartass/sarcastic self analyzing that shit... but I'm feeling too lazy. Just take a look at it and see for yourself.

Sucks. When he tapped my shoulder, I was thinking "yay. this guy's gonna talk to me." Then I heard the accent he said "for you" with and was skeptical about him. Some people have thick accents but are still decent with language, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. When I opened the letter I had a total FML moment. Hahaha. I'm such a bad person. And to think I'm always complaining about how nobody likes or notices me. Like my mom always tell me, soy pobre pero delicada! (I'm poor but delicate. I guess that saying is a cousin to the English saying "beggars can't be choosers.")

Question: If I e-mail this guy back (for the lulz), what should I say? Leave a comment!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review (sort of)

You can either watch the video:

... or just read it here if you don't feel like listening to my obnoxious voice:

So I finally saw HBP. I wasn't fully satisfied with it, but not too disappointed either. I guess this is the part where I talk about a few scenes, and tell you what I thought about them movie in general.

Fred and George's joke shop was exactly what I pictured it to be inside. So colorful, noisy, and fun. It was just... perfect.

During quidditch tryouts, Ron Weasley le daba unos cabezasos a esa quaffle! He swears he was playing soccer! It was funny to watch, though.

What the hell? They burned down the Burrow? I mean, it didn't bother me as much as it did other people, but did they really have to? If they wanted more action in the movie, they could've added a lot near the end with all the death eaters. But whatever.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I don't have much to post about right now, but I wanted to let you guys (whoever the hell you are) know that I got a Tumblr account. Well, I've had the account for a while. I just never used it. I thought it would've been dumb to use it since I already have a blog here and my shorter posts are usually just tweets. Somehow I ended up using it anyway. It's my middle ground between WordPress and Twitter. I'm not sure how often I'll be using it, though. Maybe I'll just stop with a while. But for now, here's the link if you wanna check it out and/or follow me:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Google Verb: an internet meme

Friday, July 3, 2009


Since my second session of summer classes got cancelled... I'm gonna need something to distract me. I figured, why not start reading again?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Before I forget everything I did, I'll blog about it.

I could easily just break each day up into one blog and pretend I posted it on the day that it happened, but fuck it. I'll do this thing again where I label the day and shit.

Thursday: Typical summer session day. Went to class, took notes, etc. I got home, went online for a while and then got something to eat. When I came back on the computer, I refreshed Twitter found out Michael Jackson had died. That sucks, I thought. I also thought WTF? I leave the internet for like 15 minutes and Michael Jackson dies?! Wack. There were many grieving, and many making way-too-soon jokes about it. I guess I'll post my view on it now. As a person in general, he did a lot of fishy things. All those accusations of molestation and shit, and the whole thing where he was swinging a baby from the window and who knows what else. What the fuck was that all about? Anyway... he was an amazing performer and pop culture icon. He was the king of fucking pop! I would even always say when there was a dispute about what song should be played that "you can never go wrong with Michael Jackson." Ever. RIPMJ♥

Friday: Mom woke me up so I could start cleaning the house in case people came over. Well, a few rooms in it anyway. After that, I went to this salon nearby with my mom to check out hairstyles and stuff for Chava's wedding. I didn't find one that suited me, but whatever. At least my mom did. I kinda already knew how I wanted my hair to be anyway. Not so long after that, I went to get my nails done at this nail/spa place nearby. Gosh, I love where I live. All these places are just walking distance from my house. Anyway, Nery walked into the place when I was getting my nails done and I left with her when I was done, since we had already planned on going to the movies that day. We picked up Danny, then met up with Rick and his sisters in Hollywood. We watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen at the Arclight. Movie-wise, it was okay I guess. Not the best movie in the world, but not as boring as others said it was. I mostly liked the effects and all that shit. It was pretty tight.

Saturday: I woke up at 6:30 'cause my mother and I had appointments at the hair salon at 7am. Gosh, I looked so dead when I got there. Got my hair and make-up done there. Not much to say about that. After that, I pretty much just waited 'til it was time to get ready for Chava's wedding.

We got to the church with a lot of time to spare. The ceremony itself was nice. Apparently the minister was a family friend or something and they surprised Cristina by having him marry her. My tio Ruben was singing with his group during the mass. That was cool too. Angie, Jay, and two of Cristina's family members did some of the readings, and the minister joked a lot. It was cool.

The reception was fun too. My cousins from my dad's side seemed to have a lot of fun, it was cute to watch. The food was spicy and the cake kicked ass. Woot. Also, they had these really cool liquor things on the table with Cristina and Chava's names on them that everyone liked and many took home:

As for me, I was walking in heels the whole day for the first time. Boy, I sucked at it. Hahahaha. The day was fun, though. Congrats big brother and new sister in law!

Sunday: Despite the fact that the previous day had been long and left me a bit exhausted, I woke up early to help my mother with the food and stuff because people came over. I made two salads. I swear, that's all mom ever makes me do when she tells me to help her cook. I just make salads. Sometimes rice too. Meh, I don't mind. Anyway, a lot of family members came over for lunch or whatever. We had birria and chicken. At one point, mostly all the dudes and kids were in my living room watching the USA vs. Brazil soccer game. It looked something like this (except less blurry):

Later on, I went to the beach and Hollywood with my cousins from Colorado. It wasn't as fun as I would've wanted it to be, but still pretty cool. It's nice to get out of the house and go somewhere with people you don't see very often.

Monday: I woke up thinking something along the lines of Awesome, History class got cancelled today. That means I only have one class! When I arrived to my Health class, though, I came to find that that class had also been canceled. I love it when that happens, even though there's also the whole thought process I go through where I realize I could've just stayed home and not missed a thing. Hahaha. I stayed at school for a bit 'cause Zack texted me that his Sociology class got cancelled, so we hung out after he got out of his first class. We ate at Thai House (no surprise there). He threw up. We brushed our teeth. We met up with Dan. I swear, I don't know if I can fully get into the habit of just saying 'Dan.' I actually typed 'Daniel' and then backspaced because I realized that if I wrote 'Zack' instead of 'Zachary' then I should write 'Dan' instead of 'Daniel.' Anyway... we went to Pasadena, just for the hell of it. It was pretty fun. Like usual, we went to Barnes & Noble, the Apple Store, Urban Outfitters, and a few other shops. Is it proper to call them shops? Or are they stores? Because when I call them shops, I picture like, more of a local family-owned little store.  I felt kinda bad, though 'cause we kept physically hurting Dan. Pobresito.

Today is tuesday the 30th. Crap, that means I can't use my TAP card tomorrow. I should renew that shit. Too bad I have no cash and don't wanna use my own money.

Update -- I actually came back to finish this blog because... I dunno what happened, but I never got a chance to finish. It is now wednesday. Boy, I'm a lagger. I guess I might as well let you know that I finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower today.

Also, I didn't bother to proofread this. Sorry for the mistakes.