Sunday, May 18, 2014

You know what the meanest thing is you can say to a fat girl? You're not fat.

Louis CK is amazing. I've never seen anything on TV that struck so hard with me. Not necessarily in a positive or negative way, but just because of its honestly.

"You know what the meanest thing is you can say to a fat girl? You're not fat." This line is so fucking true. I don't know how many times I've mentioned my weight or made a comment about myself being fat, and immediately people will go "You're not fat!" or "Haha, you're so funny. But really, you're not even fat!" As if the idea of being fat is so disgusting and repulsive that they think I say it as a means of self-deprecating humor. But really, I'm just stating a fact.

In fact, the girls that tell me this are usually the type to make comments about their own looks, and call themselves fat in front of me. The type that give a shit about walking around with split ends on their hair, or not getting their eyebrows done, or complain about needing a pedicure because they can't wear sandals.

A lot of the comments on this video consist of "well, maybe she should lose weight so you won't have to complain about being fat!" Problem solved. In reality, not all fat girls' lives revolve around their hatred for being fat. Believe it or not, some women like their bodies! Shocker, right?

Body acceptance is an issue that I struggle a lot with. On one hand, I don't mind my weight. I think I look great, and I have a boyfriend who loves me just the way I am. But it's the simple things are annoying sometimes, like my thighs chaffing when I wear dresses, or the fact that I sweat more than non "fat" people.

Like most impromptu blog posts, I have no idea what I was trying to get at. I just felt like talking about living as a "fat" girl, and how much I appreciated this scene from Louie.