Sunday, May 31, 2009

MTV Movie Awards

I was gonna write a review blog, but nevermind. My research paper is much more important. Here are my tweets from when I was watching, though:


  1. Lmao! RT @buckhollywood Thank you for watching the Twilight Awards with me!less than 20 seconds ago from web

  2. Blah. Twilight got best movie? Lame.1 minute ago from web

  3. RT @KalebNation OFFICIAL TEASER TRAILER FOR NEW MOON IS HERE: #NewMoon #NewMoonMovie12 minutes ago from web

  4. kristendroppedaward!! RT @EnmanuelMC LMFAO AND THATS WHY TWILIGHT STARS SHOULDNT WIN ANYTHING #kristenstewartfails #mtvmovieawards19 minutes ago from web

  5. wow, i can't believe i put a @ instead of # again. fml.39 minutes ago from web

  6. RT @buckhollywood Well now the whole night was worth it! #NewMoon40 minutes ago from web

  7. @MTVMovieAwards I love Ben Stiller <340 minutes ago from web

  8. Oh man, Jasper even looked hot. That is so weird.42 minutes ago from web

  9. #mtvmovieawards yess! my wolf boyyy! <333 jakeeee. NEW MOON TRAILER FTW.43 minutes ago from web

  10. 244 minutes ago from web

  11. oh shit.RT @RyanSeacrest: If u saw the fight at mtv movie awards betwen eminem and "bruno" I am told it was real and em´s crew left the showabout 1 hour ago from web

  12. MTV is assholie. I wanted to watch the New Moon trailer :(. On the bright side, more andy samberg! #MTVMovieAwardsabout 1 hour ago from web

  13. Typical Miley. "i wanna thank GOD!" i cannot believe she just said she's on a boat fail, ms. cyrusabout 1 hour ago from web

  14. RT @KalebNation HA HA HA HA HA HA Best thing ever, music artists are interpreting Andy Samberg´s SNL songs in totally different ways #MT ...about 1 hour ago from web

  15. TRENDING TOPIC THIS SHIT #EminemMouthfulofBoratAssFTW #EminemMouthfulofBoratAssFTW #EminemMouthfulofBoratAssFTW #EminemMouthfulofBoratAssFTWabout 1 hour ago from web

  16. @jazzyvee pwn'd - owned, burned.about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jazzyvee

  17. man, eminem got pwn'd.about 1 hour ago from web

  18. What the fuck just happened? What did Zack Efron win? I DON'T GET IT.about 1 hour ago from web

  19. @KalebNation no fair. i wanted the little black kid from Role Models to win :[. He was a total breakthrough performer.about 1 hour ago from web in reply to KalebNation


  21. @LoBosworth - lol @ popcorn person in the background. i wonder how he feels.about 2 hours ago from web

  22. Why do I feel like all of us who are watching the mtv movie awards should be on a skype call togehter? lol.about 2 hours ago from web

  23. @Gemini90 they cut off whenever eminem uses profanity xDabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to Gemini90

  24. Oh, so THAT'S how you pronounce Gigandet.about 2 hours ago from web

  25. LMFAO. MTV MOVIE AWARDS = MUST WATCH.about 2 hours ago from web

// //

// //

My highlight moments
: Keyboard Cat, New Moon Trailer, Harry Potter scene (been there done that, though), Eminem ass in face moment, Kristen Stewart dropping her award, Andy Samberg hosting <3, Zac Efron being as cute as ever.

Twilight did not deserve best movie. Ugh. Whatever.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I guess I was meant to listen to Owl City

I couple months back, I remember getting a friend request on MySpace from a music profile: Owl City. Being the lazy person that I am, I just kinda left the friend request sitting there along with a few others for a few weeks because I didn't feel like looking through the profiles. Eventually, I came around to looking through my pile of friend requests and listened to Owl City's music. I liked it. I didn't stick around the profile long enough to make a good judgment, though. I denied the friend request for some reason, and Owl City sent me yet another friend request a couple weeks after that. I was like Fine, I'll accept! gosh! This time around, I took more time to listen to the music. It kinda began to grow on me after the second or third song. (I wish I remember which songs they were.)

Then this one time, I was listening to music on and what do you know, the same Owl City that requested me on MySpace twice begins to play. I finally caved in and downloaded some Owl City songs after that and put 'em on my iTunes. I couldn't stop listening after that.

For those of you who don't know, I went through a phase where I had an e-crush on the "Twilight Guy," Kaleb Nation. He recently posted this video:

I dunno, I thought that was pretty cool though. I guess he feels the same way about Owl City that I do.

I think I was meant to listen to Owl City no matter what. I feel like it was written in a prophecy somewhere. Nahh, not really. But I was bound to listen to them (or him, whatever) at one point or another.  I don't know much about Owl City right know. From what I've seen on MySpace and, I know it's a musical "project" of this dude named Adam Young.  I just know that it's pretty cool electronica/pop music that I enjoy listening to. It reminds me of an upbeat version of The Postal Service and gives me that feeling of summer time that I always got when listening to Hellogoodbye. If you're into that sorta music, you should totally check out Owl City.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

YouTube is so stalkery

YouTube is totally the Facebook of video-watching websites. What's the term for them anyway? Is YouTube still considered a social networking website? You can comment, message, and add friends, so I guess so. Maybe... Meh, I'll research it later. Don't have much time for being all OCD with my blog right now.

Anyway... I just wanted to take a moment to talk about YouTube realtime sharing. Isn't it just awesome?

In  case you didn't know, YouTube realtime is this bar at the bottom of your YouTube page that lets you know what your friends are watching, rating, favoring, and I don't know what else. Of course, you have the option to disable it, but it's kinda fun to see what others are seeing.

It leads you to start conversations like this one:

(1:34:01 PM) Reyna: ahahah. did we just rate the same video?
(1:34:12 PM) Enmanuel: i saw that u were watching it
(1:34:15 PM) Enmanuel: and thought it was funny
(1:34:21 PM) Enmanuel: LOL

In case you don't have it ('cause I think it's still in its beta stage), this is what it looks like:

stalk ur youtubefriends bar

You can click the image if you wanna enlarge it, I guess.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon Poster

The first poster for The Twilight Saga: New Moon was leaked yesterday. (The first image of the wolf pack guys didn't count, right?). You can click the image on the left to view it.

I'm not someone you can call a Twilight fan or anything, but I kinda feel like talking about this poster. [What? Reyna's doing a review on a teaser poster? Really?! She musn't have a life.]

When I first saw it, I was like "Why the hell is Edward in the front? He's hardly even in New Moon." Then I realized it was probably for promotional purposes. Twihards love themselves some RPattz. Plus, one of my favorite scenes in the book was probably the one where Edward comes back and tells Bella how much he really loves her and all that.

Anyway... I looked at the poster a little closer and noticed how Jacob was actually in between Edward and Bella. I like that. I guess it sort of foreshadows what will happen in the future: Jacob eventually coming between them. I don't think that was the point, though. Also, Jacob looks like he's trying to protect Bella. Typical Twilight... Have a guy on a poster look like he's being protective of Bella 'cause she can't do anything on her own. Kidding... or am I?

I like this poster better than poster for the first Twilight movie. You can actually see their whole bodies and it has a nice background setting. Also, I really like the color scheme.

That was as far as my real speculation of the poster went. My other reactions were like:

"Yes! They cut Jacob's hair!"

"Dayummm, Jacob got buff... let me tap that!"

"LOL, it looks like Jacob's about to shank that bitch!"

"Kristen actually looks kinda hot there. I don't know why. If I were a guy, I'd totally wanna hit it."

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gossip Girl - Season 2 Finale

There are just three scenes I really want to talk about.

Blair crowns Jenny.
"You need to be cool to be queen. Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart and she got her head chopped off. So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man. She married a country. Forget boys. Keep your eye on the prize, Jenny Humphrey. You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you. For what it's worth, you're my Queen. I choose you."

Hands down, Blair always gets the best quotes. I like the way they threw in that Tudor reference. This scene was really cool. I think it's the first time I see Jenny and Blair show some sort of respect towards each other. Jenny is officially the foreign queen. Oh, and Blair just had to add the whole thing about Jenny's dad marrying Lily: Jenny will be richer than the rest of them! I didn't even know how to react to that.

What I didn't like, though, was how Jenny changed all out of nowhere. The scene where Blair tells the other girls that Jenny is their new leader, and then Jenny goes on tell them about the headbands. Was that really necessary? I didn't really like it.

Who is Gossip Girl?
"You wanted to meet Gossip Girl? Well, look around. I'm nothing without you. And while most high school friendships fade, it's my hope that what happened today will bond you forever. Now that all my secrets are out, you have a clean slate. Until college. Congratulations, I'm coming with you."

I knew we wouldn't find out who Gossip Girl was, since we know there are still more seasons ahead of us. Gossip Girl's identity is kind of irrelevant to everything, though. She just gets tips and blogs about them. She's the Perez Hilton of the upper east side. It's still kinda lame that they did that, though. I'm looking forward to the next season. With everyone off in college and Gossip Girl still blogging, the future sounds like it's gonna be really interesting. They'll all get the updates, but never really have physical interaction with each other. This will cause for a lot of confusion, I bet.

I love you too.
First off, whoever chose the song for this scene is fucking awesome. It was just so perfect. Anyway... Since I started regularly watching this show, I've always been a Chuck/Blair shipper. Naturally, this scene made me scream excitedly. Hahaha. It was super cute, though! Chuck looked as handsome as ever, and Blair as beautiful as she always does.  They just looked so happy together and perfect for each other more than ever after he said "I love you too."  I've never seen Chuck like this before. He completely changed, but it made me fall in love with him even more. Yes, I've had this crazy sexual attraction for Ed Westwick and I don't know why, since Chace Crawford is so much better looking. Back to the topic at hand... I was really happy to see them together at the end of this scene. (as if they're real people and shit.)

Okay, that's all I wanted to say.

You know you love me.

xoxo, reinix

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In regards to my "You know how I know you're Mexican?" video...

A lot of you already saw my most recent YouTube video. (If you haven't, click here and watch it before reading the rest of this post.)

I was in a good mood, so I decided to make a fun video. And I did have fun making it. I even asked my dad for ideas, and he gave me a few. He found it funny that I would talk about common occurrences within our family and culture.

Somebody with a similar ethnic background as mine commented on it asking why I would "make a video with that many degrading comments." They also said that a lot of the situations I mentioned applied to many other hispanics/latinos and that not all of them are Mexican.  Of course I know they're not all Mexican. I used the word Mexican because it is the one that applied to me and the community I grew up in. Of course, there are Central Americans and people of other nationalities in the area too, but I hate having to sound so politically correct sometimes.  It's like "you know what I mean! jeeze!" The person also said that calling them all Mexicans was degrading. I do it for the lulz, not for the respect. People shouldn't think something like the fact that I didn't make a conscious effort to be PC is demeaning and just learn to tolerate it.

Maybe it's just the way I grew up, though. It used to bother me too when people would say little things like those, whether it was in regards to a certain ethnicity, activity, book series, or anything. Then I learned to get over it because really, what's the point of trying to change it? People will say what they say and think what they think. If they're not part of it, it shouldn't really make a difference. After all, I know who I am and how I am perceived by others. That was the reason I made the video to begin with. To have some fun with what society thinks of people like me (Mexicans... or hispanics/chicanos/latinos).

But not everyone's the same. Maybe the person was at one point given a bunch of crap for who/what he is, and finds little generalizations like those insulting. Perhaps he has a lot of pride in who he is and where he came from.  If that's the case, I still don't see why one would feel so strongly about little corrections. I don't know how they see it as something demeaning. I dunno about you guys, but I think that if you can't look at yourself and the person you are without finding something funny, then there's something wrong with you.

Perhaps this is because I was made fun of a lot during elementary and middle school. Mostly middle school. It was such a hellhole. I hated the people there. I'm not gonna lie, I did cry about the things they told me sometimes.  After a few years, I decided that I was stupid for caring so much about the crap people back would give me. They did it for the laughs, and I was the only one that wasn't laughing because it was at my expense. I learned to have this mentality when people made fun of me where instead of feeling crappy about it, I would just think something like "haha, that's true." I'd rather laugh at the person I am than feel crappy about it. Sure, I always bitch about how I'm fat or how ugly my teeth are, but fuck. I know that if I really wanted to change that much, I would make a greater effort.

I think that he and I just see things differently because we grew up in very different communities. Anyone who went to Garfield High School could probably just laugh at the things I said or say something like "omg, I do that too!" Let's face it, a lot of us fit the stereotypes whether we want to or not. And because we as a whole can relate to them, we don't find it all that insulting.

A lot of people get the idea that I'm not proud of who I am and where I came from because I make so many jokes about it. Of course I'm proud! My parents didn't bust their asses off to come to the states for nothing. They didn't have much money back in the day, and decided to risk a lot to make a better life for their their family. I have no idea what motivated them to go through so much crap, but I definitely respect them for it. I love it in the states. I'm glad my family has come a long way (both literally and metaphorically). I make little jokes and comments about beaners because I like to laugh. In fact, I can laugh about a lot of things that people don't usually find funny. As negative a person as I can  be, I know that laughter can always make me feel better about a situation.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Okay, I lied.

I don't feel like reading right now, so I decided to write my recap blog right now. I'll make it short, though. I just remembered I still have to finish watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona. I started it like at midnight the other night, but then I got too sleepy to finish it. Anyway, here's some shit I remember from this week:

Monday: We were supposed to meet at the library for English 101. My professor ended up not showing up, for like the millionth time! Don't really remember much after that.

Tuesday: I don't recall what my school day was like. I just remember buying an ink cartridge, and then going to the East Los Angeles Library to work on my English essay, and Vincent meeting me there later on. Here's a photo, I guess. Lol.

Wednesday: Once again, my English teacher wasn't there! Somehow we did book work and turned in our essays anyway O_o.  Journalism was pretty much the same way it always is. Nothing really eventful that I can remember. I went back home, grabbed something quick to eat, left my house because I didn't wanna be there, and ended up buying a dress at one of the little shops in Atlantic Square. Then I went to the ELAC library because I didn't have much to do, and eventually met up with Zach. We went to Pollo Loco, but he ate a philly cheese steak from Tokyo Bowl there. I totally had tacos al carbon and a Loco salad.

I went back home, and then Luis told me he wanted to chill and I was like sure, why not. Right after I agreed to hang out with Luis, my parents get home with this mattress and tell me to take all this stuff out of my room and clean it out so they can install the mattress and whatnot. I did it as quick as possible before Luis got to my house. Anyway, he got here and we he went to buy a burrito from the truck, and a smoothie from Jack's. We were chillin' on my porch when my mom calls me, all angry for having left the house out of nowhere. Apparently, I still had a lot of stuff to take care of in my room. Lame. I did it as quick as possible 'cause I don't like leaving people waiting. But yeah, I pretty much spent my night talking and hanging out with Luis. It was pretty chill.

Thursday: Geography class was as boring as ever. I spent my time there IMing people when I wasn't taking notes. (I take notes on my netbook, in case you didn't know.) Mass communications was okay. We just finished watching Shattered Glass. I kind of enjoyed it.

I met up with Daniel after class. He was supposed to donate blood, but he pussied out. Nahh, he just didn't wanna wait an hour and a half to do it. I still think that was just his excuse for pussying out, though. Pussy out? Who the fuck uses that expression? Did I just make it up? Whatever, anywyay... We met up with Zachary on the bus and then went to the Montebello Town Center. We spent a while there. I can't remember anything interesting enough that happened there to write about, though. Meh, there was this lady with saggy boobs, a horrible tan,  and dry hair that walked around talking to herself at the food court. I've seen more entertaining people talk to themselves, though.

When I got home, I went online for a little bit and then Luis and Vincent show up at my house. We chilled here for a bit, and then at Vin's house for a bit. Not much to say there, lol.

Today: I woke up at around eight in the morning, got out of bed a bit before nine. Went online to realize that MySpace got a new Meebo/Facebook style chat feature. Can't say I was surprised. I logged off after about an hour and a half and then cleaned the living room, had breakfast, and showered. I pretty much spent the rest of my day sitting here, on my computer desk. Half the time, I was working on these two stories that I had to write for the J101 edition. Which reminds me... I have to go to ELAC for Journalism tomorrow. So now I'm sitting here, typing up this blog. I don't even feel like watching that movie anymore 'cause I got tired of looking at this screen. Blah.

Okay, I lied again. This came out longer than I thought it would. (That's what she said!)

Reading this, I realized... I never really hang out with females.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New videos

My latest YouTube video:

Also, my good on-line friend Kyle mentioned me in his video. It's kinda long. My mention is at 7:33-8:29, haha. Anyway, check out the other people he mentioned on there. They're pretty cool :)

I'm probably not gonna post a real blog 'til saturday or sunday, if at all. And when I do... it might only end up being another one of those where I just do a recap of my week. Blah.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

an extremely pointless sunday night blog that isn't really a blog but reyna rambling and probably not making sense

that is probably my longest blog title thus far. it kinda reminds me of philip defranco's new theme song thingie that he made. welcome to the philip defranco show that isn't really a show but me talking to a camera for 3-4 minutes... or someshit like that.

<<< that's what i look like right now. at this very moment. as i'm typing this. or rather, like 30 seconds ago when i posted that on dailybooth. pretty damn shitty. i'm not even gonna bother to capitalize letters right now. i'm just not feeling it. in fact, i'm not even gonna bother to make sense. there was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening. anwyay, does anyone else hate sunday nights as much as i do? like for real, yo.  they suck so much ass. like, so much ass that it's not even worth it to spell it arse. arse looks cool and fancy. ass just looks gross. disgusting. sunday nights fucking suck. they're as bad as monday mornings. well.. maybe not. i dunno. but fuckkk! they're horrible. like, sundays in general suck. church, family, food, social networking, homework. i never even start my weekend homework 'til like 9-10pm on sundays. i just can't get myself to sit there and do it earlier. as much as i tell myself i'll do it... i never can. ever!

anyway, i decided to sit here and type because i'm not sleepy anymore and i just finished my journalism hw. it's 12:37 right now. mom would probably be mad if she walked in here and found me awake. i hope she doesn't. i should call somebody on the phone. i don't even feel like typing anymore. if you're reading this right now... i don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. you must be as bored as i am. ahahaha, i bet my writing looks all ghetto and shit. honestly, i'm fucking lazy. i really really don't wanna reach for that damn shift key sometimes. fuck my pinky. fml. idk. bai.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Recap o' the week

Monday: I didn't go to English because they were doing workshops for an essay that I haven't started yet. (The one I'm supposed to be working on right now, at this very moment.) I spent that time slot in the library, actually working on my essay and Tweeting.

Zach and I didn't do our stories for Journalism, so we ended up just going to Starbucks instead.

I told myself I would go to at least one class, so I went to Math. I got my test back with a fail and sat there for a bit contemplating my options. Daniel got a pretty low score too and after a few moments of thinking, talking, and considering the pros and cons, we decided to drop the class and just walked out. Then it dawned on me that I didn't attend one full class that day. Also, I couldn't get over the fact that I actually dropped a class. Fuck.

Somehow, I ended up hanging out with  Zach and Daniel in Hollywood. (Zach ended up not going to Stats.) Pretty damn random, but it was an interesting experience. I think they got along pretty well. Their common grounds: laughing at my expense. Bastards.

This was probably one of my most eventful Mondays since I've started community college.

Tuesday: Took a test for Geography, blah. Journalism 105 was okay too. All we did was talk and watch a documentary about the advertising industry. Nothing out of the norm happened there. After class, I went to the MTC with Daniel. It was pretty fun. Made him try on an ugly shirt. Also, he liked a John shirt at PacSun. Ew. Came back home, and the rest was pretty damn normal.

Wednesday: I actually went to English. Boy, was it boring learning about citations and MLA and all that shit. Really, I could just Google it. Journalism was like it usually was. Not boring, not the funnest thing in the world. After class Zach and I went to Paco's Tacos, where Tonanzin also met up with us. Somehow I ended up eating a burrito. I swear, I had planned on only buying a drink. I'm such a fatass. Anyway, we were there for a while just talking about stuff. Like, where the hell we're gonna end up in the future and what people expect of us. Then we came back to my house and just chilled. Once they left, I internetted and then watched Scrubs. It wasn't that great. Yeah.

Thursday: School, then Target with Daniel. Got home, took a nap. Family got here to celebrate mom's birthday, so I bought her a cake. Spent the night talking to my siblings and their partners. It was rather funny learning the story of how Chava and Cristina met and all that shit, then planning the whole bachelor/bachelorette thing.

Today: Woke up, checked my phone for e-mails, showered.  I was supposed to go to the beach with Zach and Tonanzin, but... I guess we ended up not going. Haha. Anyway, my alternate plan was to clean the living room and/or bathroom and then work on my essay for English 101.  Instead, I sat down at the computer desk and now I feel too lazy to do anything else. Maybe I'll get to that essay once I finish writing this blog. I don't know yet.

Update: A lot happened during in the process of writing this blog. Now the plan is: hang out with Luis later. Cool. At this very moment, I'm on Skype with some BlogTV buddies. Killing time before Luis gets here to hang out.

Update #2: It's friday night now. Luis and I went to Thai House (no surprise there) and later met up with Vincent. Went to Coldstone, and then saw Star Trek. It exceeded my expectations. Fucking awesome. I had a pretty cool Friday evening.

The downside: I didn't work on my essay and now lost my motivation to do it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Scrubs - Season 8 Finale (or series finale?)

This episode starts off with JD sitting on his (technically Elliot's) bed saying that it's his last day at Sacred Heart and remembering a few moments he had there. He holds Elliot and reminds her that it's his last day, and she says she doesn't want morning sex. Pwn'd.

JD made a book of Dr. Cox's rants and rated each rant from 1-5, depending on how much the rant hurt JD emotionally. I laughed so hard when the one they read out loud was actually one of my personal favorites: "The only way you could be less productive right now is if you were, in fact, the wall on which you're leaning against." Then Dr. Cox goes on to read the list of things he doesn't care about. HUGH JACKMAN. 'nuff said. Anyway, JD pretty much spends the rest of the episode trying to get Cox to let him know how much he really feels. He accomplishes it :D, even though it wasn't directly to JD's face.

Of course, he does that thing at the end where he summarizes everything he learned during the course of the episode as he's walking the halls of the hospital. As he does this, there are a bunch of old characters lined up there. I didn't remember some of them. Oh well.  Then he watches this mental slide show of his ideal future. Kinda cute, kinda cheesy, still not as sad as I thought it would be. I expected the ending to be a lot more emotional. Maybe it wasn't so sad because there's actually gonna be another season after this one. No, that's just my wishful thinking.

Oh, we also find out the Janitor's name is Tommy... or Glen Matthews... or neither.

Honestly, I didn't like this ending much. I didn't hate it either, though. It was just okay.  This show had a lot more potential for an ending. It's just that I've seen some pretty sad scenes on [Scrubs] and I guess I expected this episode to top all of those.  It just didn't.  It kind if reminded me of how I expected Harry Potter to have some epic ending, but it was just really predictable. I was hoping they wouldn't do that. But they did. Sorry, Bill Lawrence. You dissappointed me a little.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I remember this day...

So I was looking for some photos of myself the other day so that I could make a new header for my WordPress page with it or whatever. I never found one that was good enough, but I did see a lot of pictures I hadn't looked through in a long time and got a little nostalgic. Memories from band, drumline, random school days, hanging out, banquets, all in one folder on my external hard drive. Those pictures made it seem like I had the time of my life during high school. I'm not exactly sure if I did or not. Like anything, high school had its ups and downs. I'm glad there was photographic evidence that I really did have some fun times back then, though. It was really weird looking back at the past. It made me wonder how things have changed since then... or not changed.

One day in particular stood out to me. It was the day the seniors (during my senior year) all took the picture in the shape of an 08. (In case you didn't know, I was part of the graduating class of 2008.) A few friends and I decided to skip school the rest of our classes and go out somewhere because we didn't even have band practice that day. We went to my house for a little while, and left our backpacks and shit there. I think somebody was craving In N Out, so we decided to catch the Montebello 10 and go to Pico Rivera. (Back when riding that bus only cost us 60 cents!) We pretty much spent the rest of the day in Pico. Hmm... we ate at In N Out, hung out at the park, did a lot of walking, and just had a fun time.