Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't you just hate it when

the day doesn't turn out the way you expected or wanted to? :/

I dunno, today just feels like one of those days. It's just a regular school day, but for some reason I had this mental image of exactly what I wanted it to look like. None of what I wanted happened. Not that I was expecting everything to go perfectly smooth with exactly what my mental thoughts were either. It was just so... meh. I didn't like it at all. It isn't even over and I know the rest is gonna suck anyway. Eat, do homework, shower, sleep. Repeat same process tomorrow.

It's okay, though. Years from now -- maybe even a few weeks or days from now -- I wont even remember this day ever happened.

Oh, and why is it that creepers are the only ones that ever compliment me? The handsome or cute types never notice me. It seems like they don't anyway. I should stop trying so hard. The only attention I ever get is from East LA perverts and weirdos at bus stops anyway.

1 comment:

  1. [...] talk to me. Really. But I always laugh at the type of people that seem interested in me.  I know this isn’t the first I’ve talked of this, but it gives me something to write about and maybe have a little laugh at. I don’t know if I [...]
