Saturday, June 12, 2010

Putting the Sans in Comic Sans

Last year, I attempted writing a novel for NaNoWriMo. Boy, did I fail at that. My writing style is still very horrendous and very... me, and my story had no real ending. I found part of this story on my flash drive not too long ago. The more I looked at it, the more I realized how bad it was and how I was pretty much only writing it because I needed somewhere to vent my frustrations about a specific occurrence in my life at the time.*

I found this dumb little excerpt I'd written from that story. While my feelings about the stuff I had going on at the time have definitely changed, it seems my (still very uninformed) views on typography and web/graphic design seem to stay the same.
I was always more of a Facebook person myself, but I noticed how much you learn about people by looking through their MySpace profiles. See, the thing is you can tell a lot about a person simply by looking at their layout. For example, a person with a red backgound, bold green text in Comic Sans, sparkly flashing images, and unaligned tables is likely to be young, immature, and probably stupid. On the other hand, a person with a dark blue background, white tables, dark ten-point Verdana text, and images that aren’t too distracting is likely to be organized, mature, and more stable than others.
Yup. I'd still say the same today. Except, I probably wouldn't be interested in anyone who still uses MySpace to begin with. Ha.

*Translation: I was a whiny girl complaining about a stupid boy.

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