Monday, June 1, 2009

LACCD Cancelling Summer Classes

So, the community college district over here is getting all these budget cuts. They decided to cancel all summer sessions that start after June 1st. I was planning on taking four classes this summer, now I can only take two. Totally lame. Also, I think other forms of financial aid (EOP&S, Cal Grants, etc.) are gonna be offering less now.

I've never really been much of an activist... even when it comes to something that directly affects me. But I do like to spread the word about issues around me sometimes. I don't have much time to blog about this because I have stuff for finals to work on all this week. Otherwise, this would be a pretty long post... but I'll share some links and whatnot for those of you interested in doing something about it.


Also, there will be a protest at Trade Tech -- Information on that is here:

Let's hope this doesn't cause me to be at ELAC longer than I had planned :/

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