Thursday, December 28, 2006

Applebees and Palindromes

A few days ago, my sister took me to Applebees to eat. It was my first time there and I liked it =D. I fell in love with their cheese sticks - they're so fun to eat! Haha. It was sooo much food. I had some steak thingie with fried shrimp...and rice... and mashed potatoes. Yayy. I loved it. Haha. I <3 food.

Yesterday Chava and I went to 20/20 and rented movies. We saw this one movie called Palendromes that I hadn't heard of before. It's one of those crazy back and forth movies. You know... I actually think it was all linear, lol... It wasn't til the end of the movie that I realized that all those different characters were actually the same person being portrayed in different bodies... It was an interesting movie, I wanna watch it again.

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