I hate rain. As a kid, I thought it was freakin' awesome. I have no idea why. I like gloomy, gray skies. But rain can suck it. Especially on a day when I have school, and it rains super hard. Then my bag/backpack gets wet, which makes the content inside it wet. It would just ruin my day if anything I was carrying around got wet. I use everything I carry. If I wanted something to get wet, I would shower with it. Then there's always that inevitable puddle I have to step on in order to get where I'm going. There are a few that I can get away with stepping on and the result not being so bad. Then there are those that look like they're okay puddles, but then you step on them and BAM! You can feel the water in your socks, moving around between your toes. So nasty. If this happens in the morning, you're pretty much stuck with wet, squeaky shoes the rest of the day. Such an uncomfortable feeling. And the way it smells inside the bus when people soaking or at least have wet hair or sweaters from the rain... ew. If I don't have an umbrella on me, I can guarantee that my hair will get wet and frizzy too. I hate that soooo much. It's annoying. Takes me so long to unfrizz my hair sometimes, and then it just gets ruined by the stupid rain. That is my rant for today. Thank you.
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