I have this feeling that if I get a boyfriend, I wouldn't be good enough for him. I still live with my parents, so I still live under their rules. That means I have to not only ask permission to go out, but have to tell them where I'm going, who I'm going with, how I'm getting there, and at what time I'd be back. That in itself is a hassle sometimes. Anyway... if they know I'm dating someone, they give me a limit on the amount of time I can see him. Example, the last boyfriend I had: my mom only let him come over for an hour, if anything. Even if someone I were dating did want to see me, they would hate coming to my house. It's so boring here. There's nothing to do sometimes. Plus, everyone claims my mom gives them a dirty look or the stink eye. No one realizes that it's just the way she looks :/ (she actually tries to be really nice with my guests).When I would go out I would usually have to be home before dark or at a specified time. I remember on Valentine's day my parents told me to come home at like 6pm (whata eff?!).
I dunno, I just don't feel like I would be good enough for the types of guys I like. Y'know... the cute, tall, light-skinned intellectuals that make cheesy jokes, but are still cool enough to party on weekends (bonus points if they know their way around the internet). Hahaha. I don't even know what my ideal guy is... all I know is that even if I do find him someday, I'm not good enough for him. I don't think anyone would wanna be with a girl that spends all her time sitting in front of a computer because she isn't allowed to go out all that much. I mean, I'm not even good looking to most eyes.
Lmao. Angelica Vale's "Aqui Estare" (the theme song from La Fea mas Bella) totally started playing right now. Que conveniente, no?
I guess I just want somebody that my parents really really really like. I just have this feeling that if they absolutely approve of the person I'm dating, they'll change and let me see him more. I have this theory that it'll make me that much happier if I know my parents are happy to see me with him. Nahh not really. I'm just kinda typing out of my ass now. But really, I just want someone that isn't scared of going up to my mom and feels comfortable enough around my family to make some sort of conversation with them when they're around. My parents hate people that don't talk. Uhhh... this is turning into a different blog. I'll try to stay on topic.
I forgot how I was gonna present everything, so I'll wrap this up. I'm boring. Any guy I like would deserve better than me. I'm always home. I can't really get out of here. I'm really awkward when I'm alone with somebody. I can never think of anything to talk about if the other person doesn't bring up a topic. It's really hard for me to hold a one-on-one conversation, and I hate small talk.
Also, most of the guys I've liked are gay or have the potential to be... but that's a blog for another day. Hahaha. If they're not gay, they usually have really cool, good-looking female friends that intimidate me.
As I suspected, this blog didn't come out the way I wanted to. Horribly structured, and I can't even tell what I'm saying anymore. Ughh.. The End?
In case you were wondering, the title of this post was inspired by this scene from Scrubs:
I'm not even sure if it fit the topic, haha. Oh well. It just kinda made me think of how I see myself in comparison to others. I guess you can say I'm the sidekick in my own fantasies too.
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