A place for me to make posts that are too long for tumblr, twitter, facebook, etc. Sometimes I make videos and link them here instead.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
In case you haven't noticed... I made a new layout for my YouTube page. Yay? It features yours truly on the left and right hand side, in blue. I posted one of those "5 Things" video responses the other day. Surprisingly, my Windows Movie Maker hasn't crashed. Let's hope it never does again. I want to be able to record and edit videos without the paranoia that my program will crash when I'm in the middle of something. It's weird too. Even though that video I made is really simple, it's probably one of my best. Hahaha. Though that's probably 'cause I was able to edit it and choose the quality. Normally, I'd just record and upload straight onto YouTube QuickCapture. Ew. Anyway, go check out my YouTube page. Watch, rate, subscribe.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
procrastinating or something.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I feel like updating
Today was pretty chill. I liked it. Not my usual stay-at-home-clean-the-house-and-browse-the-web Friday. I hung out with Alberta, Liz, Jose and Zack. (I can not get used to spelling Zack's name with an H [Zach].) We went to eat at In-N-Out. Liz wasn't too fond of the food, lol. Then we went to Target for a bit and hung out there. It was fun jamming out to "What if God Was One of Us." Hahahah. When I got back home, my mom had made enchiladas de camarón. Fuck yeah! I love those things. As I ate them, I thought to myself... shit, I totally wasn't supposed to eat meat today. Fuck lent. Oh well. Enchiladas are awesome. Like, seriously. I cannot stress how much I like them.
So, like... The Twilight DVD releases tomorrow. That means there are crazy fangirls in line at midnight release parties all over the US right now. I kinda wanted to go to the one in Westwood. Not because I like Twilight, though. I just wanted to go because I have a tiny crush on Kaleb Nation. Shh, don't tell him. Rofl. I'm so lame. The odds of me marrying him (let alone talking to him) are pretty damn slim. Speaking of slim chances... what's the deal with people from the UK? They say "fat chance" a lot. Why is it that "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing? Anyway... I don't even know why I find him so interesting. He's not even that cute. Okay, maybe a little. And I like people that can write well, arent ignorant to the world of the internet, know a few things about music, and wear plaid shirts. Shit. I guess that makes him kinda perfect for me. His right eye is weird, though. It goes down like three millimeters lower than the left. Omg, I'm gonna shut up now.
12erator: Pick a Side: Pigeons or Rats
Thursday, March 19, 2009
absolutely nothing.
absolutely nothing.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Dell Inspiron Mini
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Random ELAC Moments
Sorry if I talk too damn slow. I must've been uber bored. This video is wayyyyy longer than I wanted it to be :/
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2216806&w=425&h=350&fv=flashVarText%3Dfake%3D1%26pvrn%3D85701%26key%3D637b53ce%26viewToken%3D80cb574]
No, I'm not trying to be racist.
And yeah, I know... I referred to all hispanic/latinos as Mexicans.
rofl. Sorry?
My relationship with the internet
The Urban Word of the Day last Thursday was Social Notworking. Pretty good timing on their part, since I was just thinking this week about how much I got on social networking sites while I'm at school. I'm always tweeting during geography lectures, facebooking in my math class, and youtubing when I get bored elsewhere. (Yes, I managed to turn those site names into verbs). Regardless where I am, I always have some sort of interaction with the internet world. People have told me I'm on my computer way too much, and that I should be doing something better with my time. They ask why I have so many accounts on online websites. [As opposed to offline websites?] They tell me I have an addiction. Even in person, they say I talk like I'm on a computer. (Whatever that means). Even my mom asks why I'm always here. She should know the answer to that better than anyone, but I guess she doesn't see it.
Why are you always on your computer, Reyna? I'm not sure. I don't think it's an addiction, though. It's just something I got used to over time. I remember when I was around eight years old and would go into chat rooms, play online games on Pogo, and whatever else I did. I always liked the internet; it gave me something to do at home. I was never one to go out and play sports, or hang out with a big group of friends. Middle school was sort of the same way. Except I had things like drill team practice, after school classes, and little things to keep me busy and away from home. Away from a computer. Plus, my time online was limited to one hour per day. Regardless, I always enjoyed my time online back then too. It mostly consisted of me going into Pokémon RPG's or chat rooms to talk about Harry Potter and whatever else I was into back then. Sometime in 8th grade, I got DSL and the amount of time I spent online was no longer limited. I began to spend more time on my computer since I was never much of a social person anyway. I never had money, and my parents would rarely let me go out. (Not that I'd get invited many places anyway.) I mean, I was barely allowed to go to the Tower Dance -- my middle school version of the prom -- that year. I eventually had enough time on my hands to learn the basics of web design and a little photoshopping. By the time I was a sophomore in high school, the internet had changed and reached out to pretty much everyone I knew thanks to a man named Tom Anderson. I was glad everyone was in on it nowadays, but also a little bothered because the internet always seemed to be my thing; not everyone else's. Whenever I wasn't busy with school, homework, or band practice I would usually be at my computer desk contacting people, working on layouts, or finding new little addictions here and there. Since I had joined marching band I had a lot less time to be online, but I saw that as a good thing. It gave me something to do and an excuse to use when I wanted my parents to let me go somewhere. Sometimes I wouldn't even tell them I was going anywhere and they'd simply assume I was at rehearsal. It was great. Nonetheless, I still had enough time left on my hands to be considered a computer junkie. I got a little better at coding and photoshopping, but was still pretty much a newb at web design. (I still kinda am.) I even made a website for the percussion ensemble and all.
Today, I'm not too into web design and all that. For a long time, I wanted to major in computer science. Then I came to realize that it was a hobby more than anything. I didn't really enjoy making websites for other people most of the time. It was such a drag. The whole internet thing was just something I liked doing for myself. I guess I grew up with my computer and the internet because I had nothing better to do sometimes. My computer was just always here. It just became sort of a daily routine to go on it as soon as I got finished eating dinner, or completed my homework.
May she rest in peace
I remember a few weeks ago, I was watching the news and they were talking about how a man killed his family (I think he had five kids and a wife) and himself in a city nearby. I was gonna write a blog that day, but it slipped my mind. I remember them saying he did it 'cause he and his family weren't living a very stable life in this economy. That's not worth ending lives over, though. Especially in the United States. There's so much opportunity out there. Whether one's problems are economic, social, physical, or emotional you can always bet that there are others going through the same thing you are, and you'll always be able to find help somewhere. I just don't understand how one can do such a thing as murdering their family or ending their own life, regardless what the circumstances are. Why would one do this? It's pretty messed up. Seriously, if you're considering doing something like that... re-think it. Get help somewhere. I don't care if you're saying something like "but nobody understands what it's like! no one can help!" Just don't do anything that would risk anyone's life, including your own. Nobody deserves to just leave the world for a dumb reason. When the world is ready to let go of you, it will. Don't make that choice for yourself.
All that being said... It's hard enough to believe that things like that can really happen. It's even harder to take in when it happens to someone you once knew. Take care of yourselves, everyone. Don't forget to let the people you love know how much you care. Try and make the best of the time you have here.
R. I. P. Celestina
You won't be forgotten.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Haha, what a sweet British dude.
But seriously, this Ryan guy is pretty cool. Who the hell would take the time to write all this out for me?!
I just read all of your blogs to catch up on what I've missed. Here's my thoughts...
Roman Catholic - Being a Roman Catholic's cool and everything but just because your parents are huge religious peeps, doesn't mean you have to be, just be yourself, you know? I respect where your parents are coming from and that but sometimes you gotta be your own person and do something rebellious even if need be, you're losing out on your teenage years otherwise.
Someone's GF - You're beautiful and funny and awesome Reyna, seriously, you're hilarious and you're mega! Any guy would be so lucky to be with you, whoever you date in the future will be the luckiest guy in the world, seriously, you're an amazing person, don't ever change!
Rain - I like the rain! It's cool, cleanses everything and it's even romantic to a point. I mean, how many people want to kiss in the rain? I do! Lol, I know it can be a pain with it squidging between your socks and shoes but I live in England lol so it's always rainy...although it's quite sunny today, but cold! :(
By the way, I had to do multiple comments because it wouldn't let me type it all in one comment :( lol.
Things Not Turning Out Well - I know what you mean about the same things happening everyday, it sucks, I know! But life's what you make it and you have to do something different if you want things different...if that makes sense? :S
East L.A Pervs - OK, I'm not an East L.A perv, and I compliment you lol! I'm not an English perv either haha I know that's what you're thinking! I know I'm not cute or anything but there's so much to compliment you about. Read my comment above, that's just a FEW things that you have going for you! You're an amazing person Reyna! Seriously, those American kids who aren't complimenting you don't know their arse (or ass) from their elbow, we Brits recognise beauty and respect all females! OK, I'm making Brits sound weird now lol...and we are...but it's true (not the weirdness thing, even though I just admitted it)...but the respect and admiration for females! Don't ever change Reyna, please! You're super awesome!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Oh, for the love of God.
Anyway, my parents tend to use God as an excuse to not let me be a normal, 21st century, American teenager. Soon enough, I'm not even gonna be a teenager. But as long as I'm still living here I know I'm still gonna be treated the same way. At one point I thought that they'd treat me differently as I got older... but I guess I was wrong. Not because I think I'm old enough to go out at night or whatever, but because I know my 22-year-old brother isn't allowed out late either. Sometimes he's outside the house hanging out with the weirdo neighbors and my mom tells me to call him and tell him to come inside the house because it's late. Last time she told me to do this was on a Friday or Saturday night a bit before 10pm, and I said something like "Why? We don't even have school tomorrow. Does it matter that he comes inside a little later tonight?" She just said something about how God wouldn't want him out there that late and that he needs to be home because he'd just be out there saying "bad things." I also remember this one time when a couple of my friends were over and we were planning on going to the movies together. I asked for permission and they said no. I asked why I couldn't go, and they said that I couldn't go because that is how God would want it. I get that they believe in God and all, but why would they say something like that? Would God really not want me to have a good time at the movies on a Friday evening with my friends?
Holy inferiority complex!
A question I ask myself: What do people usually expect out of relationships? You find somebody you love/like, who feels the same way about you and decide to make your relationship official. Now what? What happens when you're actually in the relationship? Oh, I know. You get to spend more time exclusively with that one person. You exchange cool romantic moments along with those you-belong-to-me kisses on the forehead. But yeah, people just want to enjoy the presence of the one they love... I guess. What's a relationship if you don't enjoy being with the person, right? I guess what I'm trying to say is... I think I'd be a boring girlfriend. I'm not really fit to be in a relationship, as much as I would want to be in one.
I have this feeling that if I get a boyfriend, I wouldn't be good enough for him. I still live with my parents, so I still live under their rules. That means I have to not only ask permission to go out, but have to tell them where I'm going, who I'm going with, how I'm getting there, and at what time I'd be back. That in itself is a hassle sometimes. Anyway... if they know I'm dating someone, they give me a limit on the amount of time I can see him. Example, the last boyfriend I had: my mom only let him come over for an hour, if anything. Even if someone I were dating did want to see me, they would hate coming to my house. It's so boring here. There's nothing to do sometimes. Plus, everyone claims my mom gives them a dirty look or the stink eye. No one realizes that it's just the way she looks :/ (she actually tries to be really nice with my guests).When I would go out I would usually have to be home before dark or at a specified time. I remember on Valentine's day my parents told me to come home at like 6pm (whata eff?!).
I dunno, I just don't feel like I would be good enough for the types of guys I like. Y'know... the cute, tall, light-skinned intellectuals that make cheesy jokes, but are still cool enough to party on weekends (bonus points if they know their way around the internet). Hahaha. I don't even know what my ideal guy is... all I know is that even if I do find him someday, I'm not good enough for him. I don't think anyone would wanna be with a girl that spends all her time sitting in front of a computer because she isn't allowed to go out all that much. I mean, I'm not even good looking to most eyes.
Lmao. Angelica Vale's "Aqui Estare" (the theme song from La Fea mas Bella) totally started playing right now. Que conveniente, no?
I guess I just want somebody that my parents really really really like. I just have this feeling that if they absolutely approve of the person I'm dating, they'll change and let me see him more. I have this theory that it'll make me that much happier if I know my parents are happy to see me with him. Nahh not really. I'm just kinda typing out of my ass now. But really, I just want someone that isn't scared of going up to my mom and feels comfortable enough around my family to make some sort of conversation with them when they're around. My parents hate people that don't talk. Uhhh... this is turning into a different blog. I'll try to stay on topic.
I forgot how I was gonna present everything, so I'll wrap this up. I'm boring. Any guy I like would deserve better than me. I'm always home. I can't really get out of here. I'm really awkward when I'm alone with somebody. I can never think of anything to talk about if the other person doesn't bring up a topic. It's really hard for me to hold a one-on-one conversation, and I hate small talk.
Also, most of the guys I've liked are gay or have the potential to be... but that's a blog for another day. Hahaha. If they're not gay, they usually have really cool, good-looking female friends that intimidate me.
As I suspected, this blog didn't come out the way I wanted to. Horribly structured, and I can't even tell what I'm saying anymore. Ughh.. The End?
Oh, it's Gaby!
Click "Continue Reading" to watch the video. I couldn't put it here because it automatically starts when someone opens the page. I hate when I go to a webpage and videos start automatically. It's annoying. But maybe that's just me.
Anyway... I'll post some real blogs later. I actually have some topics in mind. I can't really concentrate on anything when I have guests over.
Friday, March 6, 2009
In case you didn't notice...
Some were from my MySpace accounts.
Others are from my old LiveJournal account.
Kinda makes it look like I've had my WordPress account since I was 14 and shit. haha.
(Except I made all the super old ones private 'cause they're so embarrassing.)
Also, I posted up some of my video blogs here. They can be found under the "Videos" category.
In other news, I somehow managed to wear a horizontally stripped shirt for four days in a row! That's, like... my whole school week! Pics or it didn't happen policy? Photos from my DailyBooth are to the left of this post :]
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Don't you just hate it when
I dunno, today just feels like one of those days. It's just a regular school day, but for some reason I had this mental image of exactly what I wanted it to look like. None of what I wanted happened. Not that I was expecting everything to go perfectly smooth with exactly what my mental thoughts were either. It was just so... meh. I didn't like it at all. It isn't even over and I know the rest is gonna suck anyway. Eat, do homework, shower, sleep. Repeat same process tomorrow.
It's okay, though. Years from now -- maybe even a few weeks or days from now -- I wont even remember this day ever happened.
Oh, and why is it that creepers are the only ones that ever compliment me? The handsome or cute types never notice me. It seems like they don't anyway. I should stop trying so hard. The only attention I ever get is from East LA perverts and weirdos at bus stops anyway.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bus Lines -- Metro vs. Montebello
Hokai. The main bus lines I usually ride around here are the Montebello and Metro, and I have always preferred riding the Montebello. I would take it to the mall, ELAC, uptown Whittier, and Pico. I guess the reason I preferred it was 'cause it was always cheaper than the Metro bus lines. I remember it used to cost me 60 cents to ride that bus, but now they raised it to 75 cents for high school students. Since I'm not in high school anymore, I'm supposed to pay $1 on the Montebello now, which is still less than I would have to pay on the Metro. I recently got a TAP card from Metro, since they're only $15 for LACCD students for the whole semester. That saves me a lot of money. Of course, now I have to ride the Metro instead of the Montebello on my way to and from school.
I hate it. Seriously. It gets so damn packed in there. It kinda reminds me of this one scene in Schindler's List where they put all these jews in a train-cart-type-thing (what are they called?) and then one of the idiot Nazis sprayed water inside the carts with a hose as the train passed by, and another idiot Nazi said something along the lines of "Now that's cruel. You're giving them hope!" Anyway... It's not that bad inside the bus. I don't even know why I thought of that comparison when I was inside it. Probably 'cause I was standing too close to the people next to me and the bus smelled disgustingly funny. Also, there are always the exact same type of people on the Metro too! Like, there is always a lady that wears too much make-up and probably bathes in fake Victoria's Secret body sprays. Then there's always someone in scrubs, who is usually next to a lady carrying a baby. Bonus points if there's a lady in scrubs carrying a baby. And there's always that middle-aged or old man that just smells like he hasn't showered since 'Nam. Either that, or he decided to wear the same pair of pants that he had taken a piss in two days before and never washed. It gets so full inside the bus that we're all squished together (or jews... or slaves in a ship... pick your favorite comparison), having to smell all that put together. From my experience, the Montebello only gets that packed during rush hour (but even then, it's not as bad as Metro). It's never rush hour when I ride the Montebello, so I'm only in there with like 5-10 people. I can actually breathe freely.
And what's the deal with the Metro bus drivers? They always seem angry. Then again, the Montebello bus drivers always take breaks together when they get to the last stop near Staples. I swear, I think they have sex in the restroom at Walgreens because the female bus driver always comes back with her hair messier than she already had it. Maybe Metro bus drivers are just sexually deprived and decide to take it out on us bus riders.
All that being said, I'm glad I am saving so much money on public transportation. However, I don't like the fact that I had to sacrifice my old and very satisfying bus experience for one of... Metro (couldn't think of a good adjective, so I decided Metro fit in pretty well).
Plus, did I mention the people on the Montebello are way cuter than the Metro riders? ;)
Ugh, I guess I'll get started on that lame essay now. Goodbye.