A place for me to make posts that are too long for tumblr, twitter, facebook, etc. Sometimes I make videos and link them here instead.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Harry Potter (for lack of a beter title)
I wanted to take this blog somewhere different. I don't know why I started talking about MuggleNet and MuggleCast, haha. Anyway... I've had times when I'm not as into Harry Potter as I used to be. Then there are times where I am still the super excited Potter fan that I was when I first discovered it. However, there was one thing that kinda re-sparked my love for the series and reminded me of the feeling Harry Potter gave me through middle school. That "thing" would be the song "This Isn't Hogwarts," by Hank Green. I remember listening to it and being like "I know this feeling!" Gah! Listening back to all the songs Hank's written about Harry Potter, I pretty much agree with all of them.
I guess the fact that I kinda live on the internet has made me a bigger Harry Potter fan than I'd intended to be. I don't think I'll ever stop being one. I can't picture myself becoming as obsessed with anything else for such a long period of time as I was with Harry Potter. Unless... y'know... I fall in love one day. Bahaha.
Thanks, nerdfighteria and MuggleNet (and The Leaky Cauldron, too!) for always being here to give me my Harry Potter fix.
*Whenever I say "Harry Potter," I don't actually mean Harry himself (or Daniel Radcliffe, for that matter). I'm talking about the book series, movies, the fandom, and whatever else comes with being part of the Harry Potter world.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Probably the most boring Disneyland footage you'll ever see.
This was actually on November 7th. Uploaded it pretty damn late.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fred wants your bad romance
Awesome choreography, crazy outfits, cool floating glass things. Ah! It gets a Reyna stamp of approval. Yes, I give stamps of approval. They all say [FUCK YEAH]. 'Cause I'm a free bitch, baby! ;)
Also, the costumes (are they costumes or outfits?) in the video reminded me of this runway show, which just blew me away the first time I saw it:
The stuff kinda looks like something Björk would wear, and I love me some Björk. I wish people could dress like this on regular days and not get looked at like "wtf?" I would totally wear shit like that to school and work if I were (a) skinny enough to wear it (b)cool enough to wear it and (c)able to afford it.
In other video-released-today news, Fred's new Christmas song is out! I don't hate or love Fred, but I just HAD to blog about this. I don't even know if I hate or love this song yet, but I can't get it the fuck out of my head! This definitely made my mental list of Songs You Can't Unhear:
What do YOU guys think of Lady Gaga and Fred's videos/songs? Eh? Eh?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Johnny Franco Strikes Back
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are
Spike Jonze did an outstanding job getting Maurice Sendak's classic children's story on the big screen. "Where the Wild Things Are" was not an exact depiction of what went on in the original text (as is the case with most film adaptations of novels), but the writers presented audiences with a brilliant, funny, and clever interpretation of the book. The producers of this movie brought viewers into the kind of world that can only exist in the mind of a young child to such a great degree that even adult viewers felt like they were six years old again.
The film starts off with the story of a young boy named Max who struggles to get the attention of his family, as his mother is busy with work and his older sister is a teenager who would much rather spend time with her friends than her little brother. Angered by the lack of attention, Max runs out of his house and finds himself sailing into a world of his own:the land of Wild Things, as it is called in the book. Here he is introduced to monstrous-looking creatures with various personalities, who crown Max as their king because he claimed to have special powers that no one else did. As his first order of business, Max exclaims "Let the wild rumpus start!" And so begin his adventures as king in the land of Wild Things.
Max and the Wild Things were supposed to be building "a place where only the things you want to happen would happen," but they came across a few difficulties along the way. As they're building this mythical place, some social and emotional problems begin to arise within the Wild Things and Max decides to lighten up the mood by making up a war game. This game leads some of the Wild Things to have even more issues with each other and ask Max for assistance in fixing all their problems. They then come to realize that Max does not have special powers and is not cut out to be a king, which really disappoints them. This happens around the time he begins to get homesick and decides to sail back to where he came from. Eventually, all the Wild Things forgive him and bid him farewell as he sails back home.
Though a few people argued that the creatures were much too complex for this children's story, they are they key characters that differentiated the book from the movie. The fact that these creatures had the same types of emotions and problems that regular people do helped personify them, give them a sense of character, and make them memorable. Thus, leading the story line to flow more smoothly.
This movie was released at the perfect time of the year in regards to its setting. The majority of the film's scenes were lit with shades of orange, yellow, and brown, which were very reminiscent of autumn sunsets. Additionally, the movie's soundtrack, led by Karen O (singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs), also helped set a relaxing and at the same time playful mood.
Monday, October 12, 2009
It just feels like a gloomy day
I was gonna make a layout for this blog before I even posted anything new, but I feel like writing for a bit. I've been runny-nosed and felt weak and crappy the past 3-ish days. It sucks. The wonderful thing about being sick, though, is that it helps me really appreciate my parents.
I didn't get out of bed until almost 1pm. Apparently, my mom told me to get out of bed like five times and I responded her saying "okay" or something like that. I don't remember any of that. When I finally got out of bed, I went into the kitchen and saw that she had made me nice warm oatmeal. She even put it in my favorite Little Mermaid mug/bowl. I don't know if she did it because she knows I love eating out of that thing, or because it fit perfectly, but it was awesome. Then she made me tea. It's supposed to help get rid of all this sinus stuff. I hope it works. She said I'm supposed to drink it like 2-3 times a day. It didn't taste as good as the oatmeal, but it was still warm and made me just have this great feeling inside.
I love you, mom. Thanks for making my sick days better.
P.S. I feel like a little kid... writing in short sentences and mentioning my Little Mermaid cup.
This isn't WordPress :O
Anyway, I've managed to import all my WordPress blogs here so it doesn't seem so empty. By the looks of it, the transition was pretty smooth. The only thing that bothers me is that images on here don't do that thing where they wrap around the text, but oh well. I'll live. So, just know that if images make my posts look stupid, it's because the text is supposed to wrap around. Any post on here made before this specific one was imported from my WordPress.
Oh, and in case you were wondering: I switched because Blogger (or Blogspot, whatever it wants to be called) gives me more freedom when it comes to editing the layout and adding widgets on the sidebar and stuff. Blogger seems like a better choice if I have a free blog. That doesn't mean I like it better than WordPress, though. I would suggest WordPress to anyone who is making a website and needs something to manage their content and news posts.
I'll work on a layout soon because it looks kinda crappy (though nice and simple) right now.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Closet Case that is Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" takes us through the experience of four men stranded in the ocean. These four men are an oiler, a cook, a correspondent, and a captain. When reading between the lines, one will realize that these men are obviously attracted to each other. The cook, the captain, and the correspondent clearly admire the masculinity of the oiler and totally want in his pants.
Not only on The Open Boat does Crane do this. His novel The Red Badge of Courage was slow and filled with homosexuality. Except instead of four being in the middle of the ocean, there are hundreds of young men in a battlefield contemplating their cowardice and sexual preference. And honestly, if anyone can be so descriptive and poetic about anything, they are obviously gay. They should not be published. They should not have their works be required reading for high school and college students all over the United States. These kids are being brainwashed by the work of Stephen Crane and will eventually realize that they too want to be homosexuals and surrounded by men at all times.
(didn't bother to proofread, so sorry if there are a lot of mistakes!)
Now, I should start working on my actual essay!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ode To Community College Students
Yes, I know. This video doesn't apply to every community college student, lol. Only to those who are in their first year, don't have much going on, and live with their parents. This will be how you feel most of your first year at a CC and, well... if it IS your first year it might not've hit you yet (it's barely September, after all). But it will... once they start posting pictures on their Facebooks... and when they tell you all those cool stories about roomates, getting drunk, going to parties, school traditions, etc. Beware.
For those of you watching that don't know what community college is, here's a description: public institution of higher education. Community colleges are characterized by a two-year curriculum that leads to either the associate degree or transfer to a four-year college. The transfer program parallels the first two years of a four-year college. The degree program generally prepares students for direct entrance into an occupation. They are also referred to as junior colleges.
I always told myself I wouldn't end up at a community college. Specifically, the one I'm going to right now. Though it feels like a giant bowl of suck a lot of the time, it's not that bad at all.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Summer Books
This video came out longer than I wanted it to be, despite the fact that I cut out a lot.
Oh, and...
I'll be reading 3 books in September because they all have really close release dates:
Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse
by Kaleb Nation
Catching Fire
by Suzanne Collins
The Lost Symbol
by Dan Brown
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Church Etiquette
- Arrive to the mass early or be there right when it begins. If you get there after the mass starts, you are a distraction. Also, seats tend to get full after a certain amout of time. Being on time to church will not only save you the embarassment of walking into a quiet room and heads turning to look at you with disgust, you will also have the freedom of choosing to sit near someone you know rather than a total stranger.
- Dress appropriately. I know my mom always tells me to wear my sunday best when I go to church, but nowadays more and more people are starting to dress casually for church. If you want to dress that way, it's okay with me (as long as it's accepted by the religion). Just don't wear anything that you would wear to sleep like sweats, a tank top, a muscle shirt, or an oversized t-shirt. And use common sense: don't wear something that says "I'm with stupid." In fact, try to avoid wearing anything with words or logos.
- Turn off your cell phones and electronic devices. Wait... Who am I kidding? No one turns their cell phones off anymore. Put them on silent. No, not vibrate. Silent. I know for a fact that if it vibrates, you will be tempted to sneak a look into your pocket to see who called or texted you.
- Don't walk in and out of church during the service. Go to the restroom and take care of everything you need to take care of before the mass starts. On a similar note: don't leave church early. That's disrespectful.
- Try to avoid talking. If you talk, it implies that you're not paying attention and disrespecting the word of God. Even if you don't believe in what's being said, have some respect for everyone else.
- Don't chew gum. That's just tacky.
- If you have small children, don't feed them snacks. The opening of wrappers and chewing of food is annoying and distracting. (Also, I hope you have the sense not to be eating snacks yourself.)
- If you have a baby and it begins to cry, please take it outside. There's something just not right about people who go to church against their will covering their ears to drown out the sound of a baby's cries instead of the preacher's sermon.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
People at libraries should be more literate
Okay, maybe that title's kinda mean. I apologize.
If you know me pretty well or follow me on Twitter or DailyBooth, you've probably noticed that I visit the library a lot. If I talk to you regularly, you probably know the type of people I run into at the library. I'm flattered that somebody would go out of his way to write me a note and/or talk to me. Really. But I always laugh at the type of people that seem interested in me. I know this isn't the first I've talked of this, but it gives me something to write about and maybe have a little laugh at. I don't know if I feel bad for making fun of these guys or not. Anyway, I wanted to talk about two people that have confronted me when I've been at the library.
Library guy number one. If you haven't seen this video, go watch it now because I don't wanna type the story. The guy I'm talking about in that video is the same one I'm referring to below.
Since this guy was so eager to contact me on MySpace, I decided to take a look at his profile when I got home that day. Even though a lot of people have totally different identities on MySpace than they do in real life, you do learn a lot about them through their profiles. Some of them are just a total lolfest. Here are some things I found on this library creeper's profile.
This guy's name is Johnny and he lives in two places. Probably leading a double life. His headline makes me wonder who this so-called Jason is and what he's got to do with natural organic hair products. Maybe it's his alter-ego. I'm not sure which one lives where, though. Don't worry, Johnny. Your secret's safe with us.
I scrolled down a bit and found out that yes, he will. Only me. Zero Nine Two Two. Perhaps he shares a birthday with Tom Felton.
That's his About Me. If you're too lazy to click and read it, just know that the first and most important thing he wants you to know about him are his birthday (which is already in his URL), and the fact that he can type really fast without looking at the keyboard. He also lets us know that he lives with his grandmother and tells us who lived in the back of his residence and when they moved out. He goes on to inform us that he has soft hands and juicy lips and gives us a very concise history of his parents' relationship. After that, there's some sort of fragment saying "HONDA-CRV 2009." The end. Thank you, Johnny...or should I say Jason? I feel very enlightened.
This is his favorite book. It's pretty safe to assume he went to a midnight release party when its sequel, "More Natural 'Cures' Revealed," was released. Maybe he even got to meet Kevin Trudeau himself there!
Library guy number two. I was about to sit down and read Little Brother on my netbook when I made eye contact with a guy sitting a few feet away from me. He wasn't hideously ugly, nor supre cute. Just kinda meh. He looked like he was doing some sort of math or science work. I dunno. All I know is he had a calculator on him. About two hours after I got there, I decided I wanted to go home, so I packed my stuff and headed outside. I stopped by this tiny store outside the library where they sell cheap books that no one wants any more to see if I found anything interesting. When I was in there, I noticed that guy look towards my direction and walk outside. He seemed to be stalling. As I walked outside, he tapped me on the shoulder, and said "for you." He handed this note and walked back inside:
I was about to take every sentence in that letter and be my stupid/smartass/sarcastic self analyzing that shit... but I'm feeling too lazy. Just take a look at it and see for yourself.
Sucks. When he tapped my shoulder, I was thinking "yay. this guy's gonna talk to me." Then I heard the accent he said "for you" with and was skeptical about him. Some people have thick accents but are still decent with language, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. When I opened the letter I had a total FML moment. Hahaha. I'm such a bad person. And to think I'm always complaining about how nobody likes or notices me. Like my mom always tell me, soy pobre pero delicada! (I'm poor but delicate. I guess that saying is a cousin to the English saying "beggars can't be choosers.")
Question: If I e-mail this guy back (for the lulz), what should I say? Leave a comment!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review (sort of)
... or just read it here if you don't feel like listening to my obnoxious voice:
Fred and George's joke shop was exactly what I pictured it to be inside. So colorful, noisy, and fun. It was just... perfect.
During quidditch tryouts, Ron Weasley le daba unos cabezasos a esa quaffle! He swears he was playing soccer! It was funny to watch, though.
What the hell? They burned down the Burrow? I mean, it didn't bother me as much as it did other people, but did they really have to? If they wanted more action in the movie, they could've added a lot near the end with all the death eaters. But whatever.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Since my second session of summer classes got cancelled... I'm gonna need something to distract me. I figured, why not start reading again?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Before I forget everything I did, I'll blog about it.
Thursday: Typical summer session day. Went to class, took notes, etc. I got home, went online for a while and then got something to eat. When I came back on the computer, I refreshed Twitter found out Michael Jackson had died. That sucks, I thought. I also thought WTF? I leave the internet for like 15 minutes and Michael Jackson dies?! Wack. There were many grieving, and many making way-too-soon jokes about it. I guess I'll post my view on it now. As a person in general, he did a lot of fishy things. All those accusations of molestation and shit, and the whole thing where he was swinging a baby from the window and who knows what else. What the fuck was that all about? Anyway... he was an amazing performer and pop culture icon. He was the king of fucking pop! I would even always say when there was a dispute about what song should be played that "you can never go wrong with Michael Jackson." Ever. RIPMJ♥
Friday: Mom woke me up so I could start cleaning the house in case people came over. Well, a few rooms in it anyway. After that, I went to this salon nearby with my mom to check out hairstyles and stuff for Chava's wedding. I didn't find one that suited me, but whatever. At least my mom did. I kinda already knew how I wanted my hair to be anyway. Not so long after that, I went to get my nails done at this nail/spa place nearby. Gosh, I love where I live. All these places are just walking distance from my house. Anyway, Nery walked into the place when I was getting my nails done and I left with her when I was done, since we had already planned on going to the movies that day. We picked up Danny, then met up with Rick and his sisters in Hollywood. We watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen at the Arclight. Movie-wise, it was okay I guess. Not the best movie in the world, but not as boring as others said it was. I mostly liked the effects and all that shit. It was pretty tight.
Saturday: I woke up at 6:30 'cause my mother and I had appointments at the hair salon at 7am. Gosh, I looked so dead when I got there. Got my hair and make-up done there. Not much to say about that. After that, I pretty much just waited 'til it was time to get ready for Chava's wedding.
We got to the church with a lot of time to spare. The ceremony itself was nice. Apparently the minister was a family friend or something and they surprised Cristina by having him marry her. My tio Ruben was singing with his group during the mass. That was cool too. Angie, Jay, and two of Cristina's family members did some of the readings, and the minister joked a lot. It was cool.
The reception was fun too. My cousins from my dad's side seemed to have a lot of fun, it was cute to watch. The food was spicy and the cake kicked ass. Woot. Also, they had these really cool liquor things on the table with Cristina and Chava's names on them that everyone liked and many took home:
As for me, I was walking in heels the whole day for the first time. Boy, I sucked at it. Hahahaha. The day was fun, though. Congrats big brother and new sister in law!
Sunday: Despite the fact that the previous day had been long and left me a bit exhausted, I woke up early to help my mother with the food and stuff because people came over. I made two salads. I swear, that's all mom ever makes me do when she tells me to help her cook. I just make salads. Sometimes rice too. Meh, I don't mind. Anyway, a lot of family members came over for lunch or whatever. We had birria and chicken. At one point, mostly all the dudes and kids were in my living room watching the USA vs. Brazil soccer game. It looked something like this (except less blurry):
Monday: I woke up thinking something along the lines of Awesome, History class got cancelled today. That means I only have one class! When I arrived to my Health class, though, I came to find that that class had also been canceled. I love it when that happens, even though there's also the whole thought process I go through where I realize I could've just stayed home and not missed a thing. Hahaha. I stayed at school for a bit 'cause Zack texted me that his Sociology class got cancelled, so we hung out after he got out of his first class. We ate at Thai House (no surprise there). He threw up. We brushed our teeth. We met up with Dan. I swear, I don't know if I can fully get into the habit of just saying 'Dan.' I actually typed 'Daniel' and then backspaced because I realized that if I wrote 'Zack' instead of 'Zachary' then I should write 'Dan' instead of 'Daniel.' Anyway... we went to Pasadena, just for the hell of it. It was pretty fun. Like usual, we went to Barnes & Noble, the Apple Store, Urban Outfitters, and a few other shops. Is it proper to call them shops? Or are they stores? Because when I call them shops, I picture like, more of a local family-owned little store. I felt kinda bad, though 'cause we kept physically hurting Dan. Pobresito.
Today is tuesday the 30th. Crap, that means I can't use my TAP card tomorrow. I should renew that shit. Too bad I have no cash and don't wanna use my own money.
Update -- I actually came back to finish this blog because... I dunno what happened, but I never got a chance to finish. It is now wednesday. Boy, I'm a lagger. I guess I might as well let you know that I finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower today.
Also, I didn't bother to proofread this. Sorry for the mistakes.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What I've been up to, I guess.
I haven't posted a real blog since June 11th, so I figured I'd do an update right now. I actually have two blogs with actual topics that I'm thinking of writing sometime this week or next. Most likely next week because this one has been kinda busy (nevermind me having taken a two-hour nap today) and it's only gonna get worse.
What have I been doing recently? Pretty much, mornings consist of me going to my summer classes. I'm taking Principles of Healthful Living (Health 11) and History of the Great Religions (History 7). They're both really easy. Health tests are open-book for the first ten minutes or so and history quizzes are five questions every day. If I don't pass both classes with A's... then... I'm an idiot. Nah, not really. It probably just means I got really lazy at one point.
After class, I've either been 1. eating with Zack 2. hanging out with Luis or 3. going home and either a. eating and going online or b. eating and reading. Right now, I'm reading Looking for Alaska by John Green. (You might've figured out I got the arrangement of the first sentence in this paragraph from that book. Haha.) It arrived in the mail yesterday and I'll probably finish it tonight. I'll write a little review or something later, though.
Also, my brother Chava's getting married in like three days! Holy shit. That's pretty much the reason I doubt I'll have time for writing blogs this week and weekend. That and I've been spending less and less time online recently. I've also been seeing people in real life a lot less. I don't even know how I managed to do that.
Anyway, I'm gonna go finish reading Looking for Alaska now. x.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The reason I can't fall asleep right now
It was about 8 or 9pm when I was watching the Garfield High School Marching band rehearsing and doing a few final runs of their field show,. I was there because I'd gotten bored at home. They weren't rehearsing at Garfield like they normally did, though. They were at this park with a steep hill. I was on top of the hill, and they were running sets at the bottom. I had a perfect center view. Also, Vincent Lopez met up with me a few minutes after that and we watched the band together for a bit, just making fun of stuff they would do wrong and whatnot. Apparently, they had a Vicente Fernandez themed field show. I thought it was pretty chunti, but then figured oh, right. It's Garfield. (as if that justifies anything?) Actually, their opener was the same opener they performed in 2008, but the rest of the songs were Vicente Fernandez.
Finally, they do their last full run of the show. It started off okay, but then I noticed some problems with the drumline. I guess the whole ensemble just tore at one point and everything started to get weird, timing and drill wise , with the drums. The bass line was playing what would've been an awesome solo if they were on tempo and not crashing into each other. Laura Tomas was playing bottom bass, and I noticed she got hurt pretty bad because she got hit by 6th bass (I guess Joe decided to have a bass line of 7 that year). The show went on, but she stepped off the field because couldn't keep going. She walked up to the top of the hill, sweaty and crying. Then I noticed the drum had hit her so hard in the head that she was bleeding. I turned away because I hate looking at blood.
I continued to watch the rest of the field show and then realized how cold it was. I turned around to ask Vinnie and Laura if they were cold, but they weren't there anymore. Then I looked down and saw Vincent laying on the floor in a pair of torn up briefs, super sweaty and beat-up-looking. I freaked out, gasped and wondered what happened and why I didn't notice it. Then I saw Laura in pretty much the same condition, except she was wearing clothes that were ripped up and had blood all over them. I screamed, cried, and fell to the ground. I wanted to get back up and tell someone, but I was still crying and freaking out. I began to crawl my way up, but then my had touched something cold and mushy. When I looked at my hands, they were covered in blood, so I cried even louder because I didn't know what the hell was going on. Then I noticed that the mushy thing my hand touched was a slimy, severed human leg. I looked around and there were several bodies and body parts similar to that one. They were all pale, and the ones with faces looked restless. They reminded me of those images we see from the Holocaust, after they haven't been fed and put to work and are practically just skin and bones... except they were slimy/sweaty looking and there was blood splattered everywhere on and around them.
Needless to say, I freaked out and cried even more about this. It got to the point where I couldn't even scream anymore and just woke up gasping for air.
I didn't know what the hell to do, but I did not want to go back to sleep. I called Zack, but I just woke him up and then he went back to sleep. Then I texted my Twitter and Facebook accounts to update my status about that dream and how I didn't wanna go back to sleep. I called Luis and stayed on the line with him for a few minutes.
Then I guess I got over it and tried to go back to sleep. (I had that dream at about 3:3oam, btw). Problem was, I was no longer sleepy. Sooo, I kinda cleaned my room, put away some clothes, went to the bathroom, watched two or three YouTube videos, and now I'm sitting here writing about it.
It's almost six in the morning now, and I can hear the birds tweeting. I wonder if they can hear me tweet when I do it too. (Lame joke, I know.)
Monday, June 8, 2009
12 Seconds
I decided to update my 12seconds.tv account just for the hell of it... and now I'm posting here on WordPress for everyone else to see. Haha, I think you can hear Hot Air Balloon playing in the background. I'll post a YouTube video sometime later this week, though... I hope.
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.836161&w=425&h=350&fv=vid%3D181028]
I hate mechanical mice
I normally use a cordless optical mouse when I'm on my desktop computer. (As opposed to using a trackpad, like on my netbook.) But... battery on my computer mouse ran out of juice (mmmm, juice) a few days ago. My brother and I have both been too lazy to get off our asses and buy batteries to replace them, so we're stuck with with a mechanical mouse for the time being. (The kind with the little ball at the bottom and everything.) It's not even a USB mouse. It's the type you connect to one of those millions of mysterious holes in the back of your tower. This thing is ancient! I've used a lot of computer mice in my day, but this one is just starting to piss me off. It makes me really glad I know my survival keyboard shortcuts. This mouse never moves where I want it to and the ball just decides to stop wanting to move sometimes. Photoshopping with is got me angry. Sometimes I have to press it down really hard in order for the cursor to go where I want it to that the mouse pad itself moves with the mouse. My optical mouse was so perfect and never made my right wrist hurt the way this one does. It's so frusturating. Argh.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="...and by 'thing' i actually mean 'symbol.' lmao."]
Really, you never know what you've got 'til it's gone. I miss my optical mouse. First thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna buy some batteries for it.
About time the semester's over!
As those of you who know h0w I am by now probably know, I hate community college. I am soooooooooooo (that's right, I put in extra o's for emphasis) glad the fall semester is finally over. Is it just me, or do semesters just drag along really slow? It never felt this way during the winter session. I hope I don't hate school as much during summer either. Even though I'm still taking classes in the summer, I can't help but be glad to know that this semester is finally behind me. It was such a drag most of the time. I only wish I did good in the math class I had and never needed a reason to drop it. I feel so behind now, still having to take remedial math classes. FML.
On a brighter note, I walked out of my English final in a really good mood. I don't think I did as well on my in-class essay as I've done on others, but that's okay. As soon as I turned in the in-class final essay, Dr. Norton gave me back my previous two essays. One of them was an in-class essay written in a Green Book, and the other one was one of those fancy typed-up ones in MLA format. I looked through the essay I wrote in the Green Book and read the little notes he'd written on it. It made me laugh that he put a happy face next to something I'd written. Then I reached the last page, where he wrote at the bottom "Great job, Reyna -- Thanks!" followed by my grade. I noticed that he always writes "thanks" on essays and wonder what he thanks his students for. Is he thanking us for doing the assignment? 'Cause if he is... then boy, he must have some really bad students. Is he thanking me specifically for doing good? Actually, he wrote "thanks for all your work on this paper" once. I guess he is thanking us for doing the assignment. Interesting. I guess I'd thank my students too. The mere fact that they chose to go on with their education says a lot about them... ANYWAY! I totally went off on a tangent.
Okay, back on topic... I looked through the pages of the other essay he returned (the one that was typed and all that jazz) and noticed there weren't many markings on it. I turned to the last page to get a look at my grade, but there was nothing. I looked at the back of every page, and all the little corners and margins. Still no grade. I went up to Norton's desk and asked if he graded my paper. He looked at it and then told me "Oh, it's because I wanted to ask you..." then he wrote on my paper "Would you mind emailing this to me as an attachment so I could use it for future 101 classes?" I was confused for about half a second because I thought it said "lol" and not "101" (as in English 101). Yes, only Reyna would make that mistake. Then I was like, oh! sure! when I realized he actually meant that I did so well on the essay that he wanted to use it as a sample. It was awesome! Lmao. Then he was like "Yeah... because your grade is" and then he wrote on my paper "A+" I was so happy! It totally made my day... as if the fact that it was the last day of the semester hadn't already lifted my spirits.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Super quick blog before I begin my essay
Not much to say, really. Finals week sucks. I think I did good on my final for Journalism 105 (mass communications). It was just a scantron thing and a few essay questions. Journalism 101 was fairly easy... I think. Apparently I'm getting a B or C in that class. I didn't think I did that bad during the semester. I guess I was wrong. I'm not sure how I did on my Geography final, though. Some I knew the answer to right away, while others I had to sit there and think about. I hope I did okay, though.
Yesterday was pretty fun. Went to the movies with Zachary and Daniel. We watched Drag Me to Hell and Terminator Salvation. Drag Me to Hell Made me laugh so much. Talking goats FTW! I'm very jealous of Alison Lohman. She had blonde hair with dark eyebrows, a face that isn't very skinny, small lips, tiny boobs, but she still looked beautiful! Gosh! Anyway... Terminator would've probably been cooler if I'd seen the movies more recently... or at least remembered the one I saw. Hahaha.
In other news... I am a total lesbo. Just kidding. My online friend Enmanuel made a little collab video with me and some other online friends: Jason, Athina, and Veronica. I don't know if you'll find it funny or not. It has a few inside jokes. But I rofl'd. Here it is:
Also, I'm gonna fix the categories section of my blog once I'm done with finals. I don't really have the time to sort everything out right now.
Monday, June 1, 2009
LACCD Cancelling Summer Classes
So, the community college district over here is getting all these budget cuts. They decided to cancel all summer sessions that start after June 1st. I was planning on taking four classes this summer, now I can only take two. Totally lame. Also, I think other forms of financial aid (EOP&S, Cal Grants, etc.) are gonna be offering less now.
I've never really been much of an activist... even when it comes to something that directly affects me. But I do like to spread the word about issues around me sometimes. I don't have much time to blog about this because I have stuff for finals to work on all this week. Otherwise, this would be a pretty long post... but I'll share some links and whatnot for those of you interested in doing something about it.
Information: http://www.laccd.edu/news/documents/LACCD_Summer_Cancellation_2009.pdf
Also, there will be a protest at Trade Tech -- Information on that is here: http://laeastside.com/2009/06/community-college-and-cut-backs-protest-230-today-trade-tech/
Let's hope this doesn't cause me to be at ELAC longer than I had planned :/
Sunday, May 31, 2009
MTV Movie Awards
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My highlight moments: Keyboard Cat, New Moon Trailer, Harry Potter scene (been there done that, though), Eminem ass in face moment, Kristen Stewart dropping her award, Andy Samberg hosting <3, Zac Efron being as cute as ever.
Twilight did not deserve best movie. Ugh. Whatever.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I guess I was meant to listen to Owl City
I couple months back, I remember getting a friend request on MySpace from a music profile: Owl City. Being the lazy person that I am, I just kinda left the friend request sitting there along with a few others for a few weeks because I didn't feel like looking through the profiles. Eventually, I came around to looking through my pile of friend requests and listened to Owl City's music. I liked it. I didn't stick around the profile long enough to make a good judgment, though. I denied the friend request for some reason, and Owl City sent me yet another friend request a couple weeks after that. I was like Fine, I'll accept! gosh! This time around, I took more time to listen to the music. It kinda began to grow on me after the second or third song. (I wish I remember which songs they were.)
Then this one time, I was listening to music on last.fm and what do you know, the same Owl City that requested me on MySpace twice begins to play. I finally caved in and downloaded some Owl City songs after that and put 'em on my iTunes. I couldn't stop listening after that.
For those of you who don't know, I went through a phase where I had an e-crush on the "Twilight Guy," Kaleb Nation. He recently posted this video:
I dunno, I thought that was pretty cool though. I guess he feels the same way about Owl City that I do.
I think I was meant to listen to Owl City no matter what. I feel like it was written in a prophecy somewhere. Nahh, not really. But I was bound to listen to them (or him, whatever) at one point or another. I don't know much about Owl City right know. From what I've seen on MySpace and Last.fm, I know it's a musical "project" of this dude named Adam Young. I just know that it's pretty cool electronica/pop music that I enjoy listening to. It reminds me of an upbeat version of The Postal Service and gives me that feeling of summer time that I always got when listening to Hellogoodbye. If you're into that sorta music, you should totally check out Owl City.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
YouTube is so stalkery
YouTube is totally the Facebook of video-watching websites. What's the term for them anyway? Is YouTube still considered a social networking website? You can comment, message, and add friends, so I guess so. Maybe... Meh, I'll research it later. Don't have much time for being all OCD with my blog right now.
Anyway... I just wanted to take a moment to talk about YouTube realtime sharing. Isn't it just awesome?
In case you didn't know, YouTube realtime is this bar at the bottom of your YouTube page that lets you know what your friends are watching, rating, favoring, and I don't know what else. Of course, you have the option to disable it, but it's kinda fun to see what others are seeing.
It leads you to start conversations like this one:
(1:34:01 PM) Reyna: ahahah. did we just rate the same video?
(1:34:12 PM) Enmanuel: i saw that u were watching it
(1:34:15 PM) Enmanuel: and thought it was funny
(1:34:21 PM) Enmanuel: LOL
In case you don't have it ('cause I think it's still in its beta stage), this is what it looks like:
You can click the image if you wanna enlarge it, I guess.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Moon Poster
The first poster for The Twilight Saga: New Moon was leaked yesterday. (The first image of the wolf pack guys didn't count, right?). You can click the image on the left to view it.
I'm not someone you can call a Twilight fan or anything, but I kinda feel like talking about this poster. [What? Reyna's doing a review on a teaser poster? Really?! She musn't have a life.]
When I first saw it, I was like "Why the hell is Edward in the front? He's hardly even in New Moon." Then I realized it was probably for promotional purposes. Twihards love themselves some RPattz. Plus, one of my favorite scenes in the book was probably the one where Edward comes back and tells Bella how much he really loves her and all that.
Anyway... I looked at the poster a little closer and noticed how Jacob was actually in between Edward and Bella. I like that. I guess it sort of foreshadows what will happen in the future: Jacob eventually coming between them. I don't think that was the point, though. Also, Jacob looks like he's trying to protect Bella. Typical Twilight... Have a guy on a poster look like he's being protective of Bella 'cause she can't do anything on her own. Kidding... or am I?
I like this poster better than poster for the first Twilight movie. You can actually see their whole bodies and it has a nice background setting. Also, I really like the color scheme.
That was as far as my real speculation of the poster went. My other reactions were like:
"Yes! They cut Jacob's hair!"
"Dayummm, Jacob got buff... let me tap that!"
"LOL, it looks like Jacob's about to shank that bitch!"
"Kristen actually looks kinda hot there. I don't know why. If I were a guy, I'd totally wanna hit it."
Monday, May 18, 2009
Gossip Girl - Season 2 Finale
There are just three scenes I really want to talk about.
Blair crowns Jenny. "You need to be cool to be queen. Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart and she got her head chopped off. So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man. She married a country. Forget boys. Keep your eye on the prize, Jenny Humphrey. You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you. For what it's worth, you're my Queen. I choose you."
Hands down, Blair always gets the best quotes. I like the way they threw in that Tudor reference. This scene was really cool. I think it's the first time I see Jenny and Blair show some sort of respect towards each other. Jenny is officially the foreign queen. Oh, and Blair just had to add the whole thing about Jenny's dad marrying Lily: Jenny will be richer than the rest of them! I didn't even know how to react to that.
What I didn't like, though, was how Jenny changed all out of nowhere. The scene where Blair tells the other girls that Jenny is their new leader, and then Jenny goes on tell them about the headbands. Was that really necessary? I didn't really like it.
Who is Gossip Girl?
"You wanted to meet Gossip Girl? Well, look around. I'm nothing without you. And while most high school friendships fade, it's my hope that what happened today will bond you forever. Now that all my secrets are out, you have a clean slate. Until college. Congratulations, I'm coming with you."
I knew we wouldn't find out who Gossip Girl was, since we know there are still more seasons ahead of us. Gossip Girl's identity is kind of irrelevant to everything, though. She just gets tips and blogs about them. She's the Perez Hilton of the upper east side. It's still kinda lame that they did that, though. I'm looking forward to the next season. With everyone off in college and Gossip Girl still blogging, the future sounds like it's gonna be really interesting. They'll all get the updates, but never really have physical interaction with each other. This will cause for a lot of confusion, I bet.
I love you too.
First off, whoever chose the song for this scene is fucking awesome. It was just so perfect. Anyway... Since I started regularly watching this show, I've always been a Chuck/Blair shipper. Naturally, this scene made me scream excitedly. Hahaha. It was super cute, though! Chuck looked as handsome as ever, and Blair as beautiful as she always does. They just looked so happy together and perfect for each other more than ever after he said "I love you too." I've never seen Chuck like this before. He completely changed, but it made me fall in love with him even more. Yes, I've had this crazy sexual attraction for Ed Westwick and I don't know why, since Chace Crawford is so much better looking. Back to the topic at hand... I was really happy to see them together at the end of this scene. (as if they're real people and shit.)
Okay, that's all I wanted to say.
You know you love me.
xoxo, reinix
Sunday, May 17, 2009
In regards to my "You know how I know you're Mexican?" video...
A lot of you already saw my most recent YouTube video. (If you haven't, click here and watch it before reading the rest of this post.)
I was in a good mood, so I decided to make a fun video. And I did have fun making it. I even asked my dad for ideas, and he gave me a few. He found it funny that I would talk about common occurrences within our family and culture.
Somebody with a similar ethnic background as mine commented on it asking why I would "make a video with that many degrading comments." They also said that a lot of the situations I mentioned applied to many other hispanics/latinos and that not all of them are Mexican. Of course I know they're not all Mexican. I used the word Mexican because it is the one that applied to me and the community I grew up in. Of course, there are Central Americans and people of other nationalities in the area too, but I hate having to sound so politically correct sometimes. It's like "you know what I mean! jeeze!" The person also said that calling them all Mexicans was degrading. I do it for the lulz, not for the respect. People shouldn't think something like the fact that I didn't make a conscious effort to be PC is demeaning and just learn to tolerate it.
Maybe it's just the way I grew up, though. It used to bother me too when people would say little things like those, whether it was in regards to a certain ethnicity, activity, book series, or anything. Then I learned to get over it because really, what's the point of trying to change it? People will say what they say and think what they think. If they're not part of it, it shouldn't really make a difference. After all, I know who I am and how I am perceived by others. That was the reason I made the video to begin with. To have some fun with what society thinks of people like me (Mexicans... or hispanics/chicanos/latinos).
But not everyone's the same. Maybe the person was at one point given a bunch of crap for who/what he is, and finds little generalizations like those insulting. Perhaps he has a lot of pride in who he is and where he came from. If that's the case, I still don't see why one would feel so strongly about little corrections. I don't know how they see it as something demeaning. I dunno about you guys, but I think that if you can't look at yourself and the person you are without finding something funny, then there's something wrong with you.
Perhaps this is because I was made fun of a lot during elementary and middle school. Mostly middle school. It was such a hellhole. I hated the people there. I'm not gonna lie, I did cry about the things they told me sometimes. After a few years, I decided that I was stupid for caring so much about the crap people back would give me. They did it for the laughs, and I was the only one that wasn't laughing because it was at my expense. I learned to have this mentality when people made fun of me where instead of feeling crappy about it, I would just think something like "haha, that's true." I'd rather laugh at the person I am than feel crappy about it. Sure, I always bitch about how I'm fat or how ugly my teeth are, but fuck. I know that if I really wanted to change that much, I would make a greater effort.
I think that he and I just see things differently because we grew up in very different communities. Anyone who went to Garfield High School could probably just laugh at the things I said or say something like "omg, I do that too!" Let's face it, a lot of us fit the stereotypes whether we want to or not. And because we as a whole can relate to them, we don't find it all that insulting.
A lot of people get the idea that I'm not proud of who I am and where I came from because I make so many jokes about it. Of course I'm proud! My parents didn't bust their asses off to come to the states for nothing. They didn't have much money back in the day, and decided to risk a lot to make a better life for their their family. I have no idea what motivated them to go through so much crap, but I definitely respect them for it. I love it in the states. I'm glad my family has come a long way (both literally and metaphorically). I make little jokes and comments about beaners because I like to laugh. In fact, I can laugh about a lot of things that people don't usually find funny. As negative a person as I can be, I know that laughter can always make me feel better about a situation.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Okay, I lied.
I don't feel like reading right now, so I decided to write my recap blog right now. I'll make it short, though. I just remembered I still have to finish watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona. I started it like at midnight the other night, but then I got too sleepy to finish it. Anyway, here's some shit I remember from this week:
Monday: We were supposed to meet at the library for English 101. My professor ended up not showing up, for like the millionth time! Don't really remember much after that.
Tuesday: I don't recall what my school day was like. I just remember buying an ink cartridge, and then going to the East Los Angeles Library to work on my English essay, and Vincent meeting me there later on. Here's a photo, I guess. Lol.
Wednesday: Once again, my English teacher wasn't there! Somehow we did book work and turned in our essays anyway O_o. Journalism was pretty much the same way it always is. Nothing really eventful that I can remember. I went back home, grabbed something quick to eat, left my house because I didn't wanna be there, and ended up buying a dress at one of the little shops in Atlantic Square. Then I went to the ELAC library because I didn't have much to do, and eventually met up with Zach. We went to Pollo Loco, but he ate a philly cheese steak from Tokyo Bowl there. I totally had tacos al carbon and a Loco salad.
I went back home, and then Luis told me he wanted to chill and I was like sure, why not. Right after I agreed to hang out with Luis, my parents get home with this mattress and tell me to take all this stuff out of my room and clean it out so they can install the mattress and whatnot. I did it as quick as possible before Luis got to my house. Anyway, he got here and we he went to buy a burrito from the truck, and a smoothie from Jack's. We were chillin' on my porch when my mom calls me, all angry for having left the house out of nowhere. Apparently, I still had a lot of stuff to take care of in my room. Lame. I did it as quick as possible 'cause I don't like leaving people waiting. But yeah, I pretty much spent my night talking and hanging out with Luis. It was pretty chill.
Thursday: Geography class was as boring as ever. I spent my time there IMing people when I wasn't taking notes. (I take notes on my netbook, in case you didn't know.) Mass communications was okay. We just finished watching Shattered Glass. I kind of enjoyed it.
I met up with Daniel after class. He was supposed to donate blood, but he pussied out. Nahh, he just didn't wanna wait an hour and a half to do it. I still think that was just his excuse for pussying out, though. Pussy out? Who the fuck uses that expression? Did I just make it up? Whatever, anywyay... We met up with Zachary on the bus and then went to the Montebello Town Center. We spent a while there. I can't remember anything interesting enough that happened there to write about, though. Meh, there was this lady with saggy boobs, a horrible tan, and dry hair that walked around talking to herself at the food court. I've seen more entertaining people talk to themselves, though.
When I got home, I went online for a little bit and then Luis and Vincent show up at my house. We chilled here for a bit, and then at Vin's house for a bit. Not much to say there, lol.
Today: I woke up at around eight in the morning, got out of bed a bit before nine. Went online to realize that MySpace got a new Meebo/Facebook style chat feature. Can't say I was surprised. I logged off after about an hour and a half and then cleaned the living room, had breakfast, and showered. I pretty much spent the rest of my day sitting here, on my computer desk. Half the time, I was working on these two stories that I had to write for the J101 edition. Which reminds me... I have to go to ELAC for Journalism tomorrow. So now I'm sitting here, typing up this blog. I don't even feel like watching that movie anymore 'cause I got tired of looking at this screen. Blah.
Okay, I lied again. This came out longer than I thought it would. (That's what she said!)
Reading this, I realized... I never really hang out with females.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
New videos
Also, my good on-line friend Kyle mentioned me in his video. It's kinda long. My mention is at 7:33-8:29, haha. Anyway, check out the other people he mentioned on there. They're pretty cool :)
I'm probably not gonna post a real blog 'til saturday or sunday, if at all. And when I do... it might only end up being another one of those where I just do a recap of my week. Blah.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
an extremely pointless sunday night blog that isn't really a blog but reyna rambling and probably not making sense
anyway, i decided to sit here and type because i'm not sleepy anymore and i just finished my journalism hw. it's 12:37 right now. mom would probably be mad if she walked in here and found me awake. i hope she doesn't. i should call somebody on the phone. i don't even feel like typing anymore. if you're reading this right now... i don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. you must be as bored as i am. ahahaha, i bet my writing looks all ghetto and shit. honestly, i'm fucking lazy. i really really don't wanna reach for that damn shift key sometimes. fuck my pinky. fml. idk. bai.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Recap o' the week
Zach and I didn't do our stories for Journalism, so we ended up just going to Starbucks instead.
Somehow, I ended up hanging out with Zach and Daniel in Hollywood. (Zach ended up not going to Stats.) Pretty damn random, but it was an interesting experience. I think they got along pretty well. Their common grounds: laughing at my expense. Bastards.
This was probably one of my most eventful Mondays since I've started community college.
Tuesday: Took a test for Geography, blah. Journalism 105 was okay too. All we did was talk and watch a documentary about the advertising industry. Nothing out of the norm happened there. After class, I went to the MTC with Daniel. It was pretty fun. Made him try on an ugly shirt. Also, he liked a John shirt at PacSun. Ew. Came back home, and the rest was pretty damn normal.
Thursday: School, then Target with Daniel. Got home, took a nap. Family got here to celebrate mom's birthday, so I bought her a cake. Spent the night talking to my siblings and their partners. It was rather funny learning the story of how Chava and Cristina met and all that shit, then planning the whole bachelor/bachelorette thing.
Today: Woke up, checked my phone for e-mails, showered. I was supposed to go to the beach with Zach and Tonanzin, but... I guess we ended up not going. Haha. Anyway, my alternate plan was to clean the living room and/or bathroom and then work on my essay for English 101. Instead, I sat down at the computer desk and now I feel too lazy to do anything else. Maybe I'll get to that essay once I finish writing this blog. I don't know yet.
Update: A lot happened during in the process of writing this blog. Now the plan is: hang out with Luis later. Cool. At this very moment, I'm on Skype with some BlogTV buddies. Killing time before Luis gets here to hang out.
Update #2: It's friday night now. Luis and I went to Thai House (no surprise there) and later met up with Vincent. Went to Coldstone, and then saw Star Trek. It exceeded my expectations. Fucking awesome. I had a pretty cool Friday evening.
The downside: I didn't work on my essay and now lost my motivation to do it.