As those of you who know h0w I am by now probably know, I hate community college. I am soooooooooooo (that's right, I put in extra o's for emphasis) glad the fall semester is finally over. Is it just me, or do semesters just drag along really slow? It never felt this way during the winter session. I hope I don't hate school as much during summer either. Even though I'm still taking classes in the summer, I can't help but be glad to know that this semester is finally behind me. It was such a drag most of the time. I only wish I did good in the math class I had and never needed a reason to drop it. I feel so behind now, still having to take remedial math classes. FML.
On a brighter note, I walked out of my English final in a really good mood. I don't think I did as well on my in-class essay as I've done on others, but that's okay. As soon as I turned in the in-class final essay, Dr. Norton gave me back my previous two essays. One of them was an in-class essay written in a Green Book, and the other one was one of those fancy typed-up ones in MLA format. I looked through the essay I wrote in the Green Book and read the little notes he'd written on it. It made me laugh that he put a happy face next to something I'd written. Then I reached the last page, where he wrote at the bottom "Great job, Reyna -- Thanks!" followed by my grade. I noticed that he always writes "thanks" on essays and wonder what he thanks his students for. Is he thanking us for doing the assignment? 'Cause if he is... then boy, he must have some really bad students. Is he thanking me specifically for doing good? Actually, he wrote "thanks for all your work on this paper" once. I guess he is thanking us for doing the assignment. Interesting. I guess I'd thank my students too. The mere fact that they chose to go on with their education says a lot about them... ANYWAY! I totally went off on a tangent.
Okay, back on topic... I looked through the pages of the other essay he returned (the one that was typed and all that jazz) and noticed there weren't many markings on it. I turned to the last page to get a look at my grade, but there was nothing. I looked at the back of every page, and all the little corners and margins. Still no grade. I went up to Norton's desk and asked if he graded my paper. He looked at it and then told me "Oh, it's because I wanted to ask you..." then he wrote on my paper "Would you mind emailing this to me as an attachment so I could use it for future 101 classes?" I was confused for about half a second because I thought it said "lol" and not "101" (as in English 101). Yes, only Reyna would make that mistake. Then I was like, oh! sure! when I realized he actually meant that I did so well on the essay that he wanted to use it as a sample. It was awesome! Lmao. Then he was like "Yeah... because your grade is" and then he wrote on my paper "A+" I was so happy! It totally made my day... as if the fact that it was the last day of the semester hadn't already lifted my spirits.
In completely unrelated news, the comment that Enmanuel left on this DailyBooth photo of me never fails to make me laugh:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="LMFAOOOOOOO SIMBA MUCH?! -EnmanuelMC"]
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