Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight vlog!

Just my thoughts on the Twilight series.

Twilight is no Harry Potter. You can't really compare them. They are too different. I still love the Harry Potter series I grew up with, and still wish I was watching Half-Blood Prince on November 21st instead of the Twilight movie :[

Stephenie Meyer is not JK Rowling. JK Rowling is awesome. She makes up words, like Quidditch.  The best Meyer can come up with is... vampire baseball.
Twilight is more of a love story than anything.  Other series are much more complex.

I dunno... I think I just turned this post into a Twilight vs. Harry Potter thing... hahaha.

The curious thing is: even after saying all this... I still enjoyed reading the books and watching the movies xD
I think this video gave people the impression that I absolutely hate it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vlog on a blog

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Proposition 8: eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry

[This was part of an assignment for my political science class, but I guess I found it blog-worthy]

I asked my parents their oppinion on the issue of same-sex marriage and they're pretty much going to vote in favor of Proposition 8. Their justification was that God was the one who set forth the laws of marriage, which guarantee it to only be between a man and a woman. Yes, marriage has always been some sort of religious ceremony and tradition. I know a lot of people care about preserving the traditional definition of marriage, but let's face it: it's the 21st century and we live in what is probably one of the most liberal states in our nation. I was pretty glad the court ruled same-sex marriage legal last May. I'm not even sure why, because I know I'm definitely not a lesbian or anything. I guess I just always valued our freedom of equality in this country, being that our country was established in order to provide its citizens the freedoms and liberties that they couldn't get anywhere else. If the law guarantees equality to every citizen, then why should every citizen not be allowed to marry the person they love? Love is love, regardless of gender. One can't help it if they fall in love with somebody of the same sex and, just like any other married couple, want to spend the rest of their life with them. Of course, there's always been legality of domestic partnership, but it's not the same as real marriage under the law. Without marriage, one can't have the security that their spouse will be there with them in hospital rooms or making life-and-death decisions without a confusion of some sort. Allowing same-sex couples the right to marry would provide them the security that they will be able to live their lives just as any other couple would. I'm definitely voting against Proposition 8 on November 4th.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's a controversial subject, I guess. Must be worth writing about. Let's see how this goes...

What do you think about abortion?

I think every being deserves the chance to live. A baby has no choice and cant think for him or herself. Denying somebody the right to live is pretty much taking away the first natural first freedom they are born with (life). Whether they wanna kill themselves later on in life, that's their own choice... but at least the have the choice, sorta. Anyway... that was semi off topic. I guess the point I wanna make is that because one isn't really capable of making choices before one is born, then they deserve the right to have a life of their own and explore the world for themselves.

However, I also think every woman (or girl or lady or whatever) deserves the right to chose whether she wants to have her child or not. I'm not saying I approve of abortion or anything, but I think that ultimately the woman should be held responsible for the choice. After all, this country became independent so that its citizens would have freedoms they wouldn't have else where. It sounds kinda fucked up, but even the freedom to be able to stop a life from even starting should be allowed (yay for Roe v. Wade?). I wouldn't take away anyone's right to be born unless they already knew the unborn being would be born with some sort of disease or infection or something that would make their life a living hell (like, if they knew the baby would be born with hemophilia because it's hereditary, and the father had hemophilia).

It's the 21st century. Premarital sex isn't uncommon. My guess is that the reason for a many abortions nowadays is teenage pregnancy. And believe me, nothing can ruin a few days in a sexually active teenage girl's life more than a pregnancy scare. Makes them think a lot about family, school,their social life, prior commitments, promises that were made, long-term plans that might be ruined, etc. If they don't have trust in or aren't truly in love with the male that got them pregnant, I bet abortion is definitely something they highly considered. Of course it's understandable why they would consider it. All the responsibility brought up by the birth if a child is overwhelming, even if you're an adult. But honestly, I don't think abortion is the best choice at all in this situation, even if it is an easy way out. Most likely, the child would be born healthy and probably even live a good life because the parents are so young and more open to ideas. I can actually see many reasons why being born with young parents is a good thing (not that I'm trying to promote teenage pregnancy, because I'm definitely not).

Aaaand for those of you who like to bring up the argument of "but what if the girl gets raped?" Well... dude. You can always give 'em up for adoption. Even so, I bet once the baby is born, they'd probably wanna keep it.

Garfield part two? I think not... not yet, anyway.

As I was washing the dishes, my brother walked into the kitchen and said "Heyyyy. How's life been?" To which I replied, "Boring." He responded with "Man, you're part of, like, the bored generation..." Then I explained to him that my days have pretty much only consisted of going to school, coming home, eating, washing dishes, reading or doing something online, going to sleep, and repeating the same process the next day. Then he asked me something about how ELAC is like Garfield part 2. Of course, anyone that went to Garfield High School has probably heard that comparison made at one point or another. To my surprise I responded with "No... Garfield was way better." Once again, I reminded myself how much I hate the way my life's been progressing (or not progressing) lately. Boy, do I really wish I was still in high school... or at least that I had as many things to do in college as I did in high school. It's been really slow and I hate it. There can be many reasons my time there hasn't been so great.

Maybe it's because I don't really have friends or many regulars at ELAC, so there's less people to laugh with or even talk to in class. Most of them already have cliques of their own and it seems like it'd be uncomfortable joining a new circle if they already have their own inside jokes and unofficial traditions. I mean, I'm not really a shy person. It's just really hard for me to make friends sometimes.

Maybe it's the teachers. Not to say ELAC has bad teachers or anything, I just haven't had any like the ones I've had in the past. They were the kind that, even if you weren't really into the subject, they made you not hate it as much as you would've with a regular ole' teacher. Grandpa Woessner, for example. You can tell he loved what he did and that he truly cared about his students. Just the little things he did like keeping individuals after class just to talk to them about how bad they've been doing and wondering why they do it, or compliment them and letting them know that he's proud of them... or that day nearing the last day of school when he gave all his seniors roses and gave a little speech about each one of them. Even the way he went about teaching the class and scaring the shit out of people while pretending to be some historic character. Or teachers like Ms. Gardocki, who would write advice to you on your journal entries and talk to you about it if you were comfortable enough with her, rather than just skimming through it and giving you credit for having done your assignment. Then there was Mr. Bennett... boy, could you tell he liked what he did. He didn't seem to just teach for the sake of teaching either. I loved the way he'd get all happy and excited when we brought certain things up, and suggest that we make a survey about it. Then there was Rocha... that asshole. I can see myself being the way he was with students too, though. Boy, did I love to hate him. I didn't even want to cry at graduation til is saw tears on his eyes. Ah, and Buchman. What a sarcastic and handsome old man. Hahaha. Anyway... I haven't really felt any sort of connection like that with any of my professors here. The ones involved in the arts (my dance and theater teachers); I can tell they're really dedicated their professions, but they don't make teaching their priority unless they know the person is heading in the same road of that art. I guess I don't mind. I'd probably do the same. Haha. The others just seem to teach because it pays the bills.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another one, gone.

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I didn’t proofread this… so sorry if there are mistakes!

I’ve come to realize I express myself a lot better through writing than spoken words. When I speak I end up mumbling, stuttering, telling my story out of order, or leaving out information. The only reason I’m writing this blog is because it might contain hidden little things that I might not see now but will figure out in the future. I don’t know why, but that tends to happen to me with things I write. Plus, writing makes everything so much clearer to me than thoughts, so this’ll help me sort things out with my mind. I’m not sure I want this to be public, though. Then again, I don’t want it to be completely private either. Oh, wait… I can make it so it can only be read by people on my Preferred List! Wow, this is officially the Compromise of Reyna’s Blog and shit. Pretty much, if you can read this, I trust you or something (note that I wrote or something so don’t get fully comfortable and think that I absolutely trust you, hahaha). It’s funny… I’m not even writing this on a blog right now… this was first written during my very boring math class inside my notebook. Anyway… Welcome to the story of my break-up. There were many events that led to it, so I guess I’ll dedicate a paragraph to each of them and their sub-events and reasons (yes, I made an outline before I wrote this… gawd, i’m lame). Oh, another reason I decided to write about this was because I remembered that I had once noticed that after I write about something, it is so much easier to get over it. So here goes my attempt at getting over all this.

I guess one thing that sparked a lot of relationship problems was mere jealousy. In the beginning [I was created by the hands of man... j/k, that's way off topic] I wasn’t really used to being in a relationship, so I guess I acted the way I did with the rest of my male friends before I was in one (a relationship, that is). Like any other boyfriend, He (i’m just gonna refer to Him as “He” with a capital H [like i'm writing about God and shit, haha] because I hate using names) didn’t really like the way I would get physically close to guys I was already comfortable with. He let me know that it bothered Him, so I tried to stop the best I could, even though I would sometimes do it subconsciously. Within a few months, He was the only guy I would get close to and all was great. However, the time was nearing when I would graduate from high school and start attending college. He told me about all his fears regarding the relationship. He didn’t want me to meet another guy who would eventually be able to replace Him in my life. I promised Him I wouldn’t. I knew [I couldn't, I shouldn't, I mustn't] I wouldn’t, but He couldn’t help but have negative thoughts. Time passed by and my summer vacation came along (He was on track at Garfield, so he didn’t get a summer vacation). There were always certain people whom He’d be bothered when I talked to or about, or so he said. He was afraid I might develop my old feelings for them again or they might do something I wouldn’t be able to avoid. Contrary to his beliefs (or fears…), I never once thought of these people as anything more than just friends, even if we did have something more than friendship in the past. Thus, I fully trusted Him around his female friends because I knew (or thought) He felt the same way around them as I did around my male friends. I thought He might think I’d be foolish to possibly consider the fact that he’d develop feelings for any of his female friends. There were also many other factors that caused problems (such as my parents not letting me go out sometimes, or the way He’d misinterpret things i’d say) before the summer, but they’re not really worth writing about in depth at this point. So I guess I’ll just leave it at that. The way these things led up to the break-up (or relate to it, at any rate) will be explained later. I just needed to explain the background before anything.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Interesting, the way things turn out to be

they all left her for that one reason.
he was never the type to do that,
especially after he knew that about her.
she took some time and learned to trust.
around certain others, he still had a few doubts.
she never thought of anyone else like that.
he also thought the same.
as time passed by he 'came afraid
she might meet others and feelings would change.
she never saw another soul that sort of way,
but she guessed it was time for a change.
after months of gaining trust and confidence that this couldn't possibly happen.
her first worst fears finally came true.
he started to think in a whole different way.
the things she changed because of him,
he was starting to realize maybe weren't so bad,
when he had been the one telling her he would never do that.

hahah. i love the way i don't make any sense... i think.
maybe i do... fuck if i know. whatever.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

To sleep, perchance to dream...

Ay, there's the rub... my dreams are fucking killing me >_<.
Not really... just making me feel like shit every time I wake up.

They keep making me feel like shit about my relationship. Like, I know I'm not the same person in my dreams that I am in real life, so I don't know why they keep making me think so much. It's kinda weird... most of them have been actual sex dreams, or dreams where I'm dating other people and stuff. Hard to explain in words, really.

Months ago, I had one with this guy (let's call him Chad). It wasn't that hardcore of a dream, but the fact that I came on to him while knowing I was in a relationship bothered me. Chad didn't do much about it either, he just kinda went along with everything. It was even worse when my boyfriend caught me and didn't even seem to care. I was like wtf, I cheat on you and you act like nothing happened?

A bit later, I had another cheating dream. I don't remember it all that well anymore, but I'll try and write it the best I can. I don't remember where we were, but this guy (let's call him Cody) was talking to me and we were getting along really well. I knew I already had a boyfriend and that I was super happy with him. He was pretty much in the back of my mind the whole time I was talking to Cody. By the end of the conversation, Cody asked me to get with him. I just smiled at him and said "sure." Then in my head I was like, wtf? Why'd I say that? I have a boyfriend already. Okay, whatever. Cody's pretty hot anyway. Later on I go with some friends, and Cody's there too... and it's as though nothing ever happened between me and him, so I was like okay, I guess he wasn't serious. Good. All my friends walked somewhere else and I stayed alone at a carnival with Cody's twin brother (let's call him Zack, lmao). Zack started talking to me and being really sweet. Cody was more cool than he was sweet, but Zack was being like the sweetest guy I ever met. By that point, I had already forgotten that something had sorta happened between me and Cody. Zack put his arm around me, and gave me a little kiss... then Cody walked in and wanted to cry because of what he had just witnessed. He was like "wtf? I thought we had something... what ever happened to us?" I explained to him that he never even acted like a real boyfriend around me so I didn't think he was serious. Somehow I ended up "breaking up" with both of them and being glad that my actual boyfriend wasn't there to witness anything or get hurt, so it was like nothing ever happened. I dunno...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reyna-esque review: Grapes of Wrath

As I remember, read, or re-read I will write about books/poems/whatever I've read on this blog. They're not exactly reviews. Some might be a few words, some might only be quotes that I think were worth remembering. Keep in mind, these are very Reyna'd-Out... so don't take my complete word. Go out and read these books or whatever on your own, and make your own opinions.

Oh, and just a heads-up... These reviews contain major spoilers.

The Grapes of Wrath (Novel)
by John Steinbeck

One of thousands of families traveling westward during the Great Depression. Trying to migrate from the Oklahoma Dust Bowl, the Joads face a lot of rough shit. Crazy ass novel.

If there is one scene I will forever remember from this novel, it will be this one:
(from chapter eighteen)
Casy and Uncle John, Connie and Rose of Sharon climbed down. And
they stood silently. Rose of Sharon had started to brush her hair
back, when she caught sight of the valley and her hand dropped
slowly to her side.
Tom said, "Where's Ma? I want Ma to see it. Look, Ma! Come here,
Ma." Ma was climbing slowly, stiffly, down the back board. Tom
looked at her. "My God, Ma, you sick?" Her face was stiff and
putty-like, and her eyes seemed to have sunk deep into her head, and
the rims were red with weariness. Her feet touched the ground and
she braced herself by holding the truck-side.
Her voice was a croak. "Ya say we're acrost?"
Tom pointed to the great valley. "Look!"
She turned her head, and her mouth opened a little. Her fingers went
to her throat and gathered a little pinch of skin and twisted
gently. "Thank God!" she said. "The fambly's here." Her knees
buckled and she sat down on the running board.
"You sick, Ma?"
"No, jus' tar'd."
"Didn' you get no sleep?"
"Was Granma bad?"
Ma looked down at her hands, lying together like tired lovers in her
lap. "I wisht I could wait an' not tell you. I wisht it could be
all- nice."
Pa said, "Then Granma's bad."
Ma raised her eyes and looked over the valley. "Granma's dead."
They looked at her, all of them, and Pa asked, "When?"
"Before they stopped us las' night."
"So that's why you didn' want 'em to look."
"I was afraid we wouldn' get acrost," she said. "I tol' Granma we
couldn' he'p her. The fambly had ta get acrost. I tol' her, tol' her
when she was a-dyin'. We couldn' stop in the desert. There was the
young ones- an' Rosasharn's baby. I tol' her." She put up her hands
and covered her face for a moment. "She can get buried in a nice green
place," Ma said softly. "Trees aroun' an' a nice place. She got to lay
her head down in California."
The family looked at Ma with a little terror at her strength.
Tom said, "Jesus Christ! You layin' there with her all night long!"
"The fambly hadda get acrost," Ma said miserably.
Tom moved close to put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don' touch me," she said. "I'll hol' up if you don' touch me.
That'd get me."
Pa said, "We got to go on now. We got to go on down."
Ma looked up at him. "Can- can I set up front? I don' wanna go
back there no more- I'm tar'd. I'm awful tar'd."
They climbed back on the load, and they avoided the long stiff
figure covered and tucked in a comforter, even the head covered and
tucked. They moved to their places and tried to keep their eyes from
it- from the hump on the comforter that would be the nose, and the
steep cliff that would be the jut of the chin. They tried to keep
their eyes away, and they could not. Ruthie and Winfield, crowded in a
forward corner as far away from the body as they could get, stared
at the tucked figure.
And Ruthie whispered, "Tha's Granma, an' she's dead."
Winfield nodded solemnly. "She ain't breathin' at all. She's awful
And Rose of Sharon said softly to Connie, "She was a-dyin' right
when we-"
"How'd we know?" he reassured her.
Al climbed on the load to make room for Ma in the seat. And Al
swaggered a little because he was sorry. He plumped down beside Casy
and Uncle John. "Well, she was ol'. Guess her time was up," Al said.
"Ever'body got to die." Casy and Uncle John turned eyes
expressionlessly on him and looked at him as though he were a
curious talking bush. "Well, ain't they?" he demanded. And the eyes
looked away, leaving Al sullen and shaken.
Casy said in wonder, "All night long, an' she was alone." And he
said, "John, there's a woman so great with love- she scares me.
Makes me afraid an' mean."
John asked, "Was it a sin? Is they any part of it you might call a
Casy turned on him in astonishment, "A sin? No, there ain't no
part of it that's a sin."
"I ain't never done nothin' that wasn't part sin," said John, and he
looked at the long wrapped body.
Tom and Ma and Pa got into the front seat. Tom let the truck roll
and started on compression. And the heavy truck moved, snorting and
jerking and popping down the hill. The sun was behind them, and the
valley golden and green before them. Ma shook her head slowly from
side to side. "It's purty," she said. "I wisht they could of saw it."
"I wisht so too," said Pa.

Why this scene? I think it captured the whole essence of the novel, and maybe even the time period itself. Just the fact that Ma Joad was lying all night next to a body she knew was dead gives me the chills. To think of the choices one had to make in order to help their family progress in life. Sacrifices had to be made, facts had to be kept secret, fears had to be overcome, and everything was about making the right choice. I take it back... It's not all about the time period. I guess these are all aspects that at one point have to be part of one's life in general.
Oh, and also... I didn't even know whether to find it funny, awkward, or what that Rose of Sharon and Connie were having sex (or so it was implied) as Granma's death went on. But I guess that's love. Love is also part of life. It just happens to come up when least expected sometimes.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pubic hairs on soap

Don't leave your pubic hairs on the bar of soap that everyone uses. It's disgusting. I mean, seriously. I had to use another bar of soap this morning because I don't want to use one with pubes on it. It's bad enough that you don't shave or trim (clearly evident by the length of that hair), but if you're gonna be cleaning your genital area with that bar of soap the least you can do is get rid of the evidence. That is, take your pubes off that soap!

Ye Olde About Me [august07-july08]

Name: Reyna V.

Location: East Los Angeles, CA.

Age: Seventeen.

Occupation: Part time lover, full time friend. ♫

If you really wanna know about me, know that there isn't much to know. Or maybe there is... I guess I'll just say a few basic things about myself. I'm probably the most boring person you'll ever [or never] meet. There's probably not much you can talk to me about since I really have no "favorite" movie or singer or book or anything. I'm not really a big fan of anything except the Harry Potter series. But I'm not even so big on that anymore. I know for sure they're not my favorite books, though. If you're on my profile and you don't know me, you should probably add me. Since you're actually reading this, you're probably worth talking to =]. Hmm. My family is pretty fun. I've noticed I always complain to others about the things my mother says and how she doesn't let me go out. The reality is I love her to death, even though she doesn't agree with my points of view most of the time. I know that everything she does for me is for my own good or whatever, but I guess I'm just a dumb teenager that wants to live a teenage life. My mom really knows what commitment is and I respect that. Since I have nothing to do right now, I might as well let you know that I am a senior at Garfield High School and that I'm in the Marching Band and Percussion Ensemble there. I've been in 'em since freshman year. I find it funny how when I'm at competitions during winter season, I always hear people refer to me as "that cymbal chick from Garfield," yet I've never been referred to as "that flute chick from Garfield" during the fall season. Oh yeah. Garfield High is in East Los Angeles, California and it's pretty much where I spend most of my time when I'm not at home. What I hate about the walks to and from school (or anywhere, really) are those perverts that whistle or wink at every girl they see. Those guys are usually in trucks too, for some reason. I started tallying how many I've come across since 7/20/07 and so far there have been 79 of them. I honestly didn't think it would get that high. The sad part is, I don't remember most of them. I guess that's a good thing, though. If anyone of them were remembered by me, I'd punch him in the face the next time I saw him. Okay, I'm full of shit. I wouldn't go anywhere near him. I'd never wanna come close to or meet one of them.

However, I would like to meet someone who can hold a conversation for a long period of time and actually make me want to contribute to it. I suck at conversations. Most of them just consist of someone asking how I've been or what I'm doing and me letting them know that I'm fine or bored. If you can hold a good conversation with me, you should definitely take a walk with me to Atlantic Square one day. I've been hanging out there too much, haha. [Thai House + a fun walk with awesome people = <33]

I'd also like to meet Jacob Matthew Green and Ethan Martin.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mothers and tampons [question]


Does your mom disapprove of tampon usage?
I didn't know it was that big a deal to mine til today.
I was like "mom, can i have money to go buy pads? 'cause i've been using tampons lately and don't feel like it anymore"
She was totally wtfing. Like, YOU USE THOSE? Blah blah blah, they're not for young girls like you. They're for older, mature ladies. Those things probably took your virginity away. You're not supposed to wear tampons. How can you even stand being comfortable with something inside you like that?
I even told her i can barely even feel them and stuff and that i've been using them for quite a while now.
She just gave me a disgusted look.

I'm not even mad that she thinks a different way than I do.
I just found it interesting that she would make a big deal out of something that i think is nothing.
Apparently it's really common of mothers to think that way, though.
I didn't know that.

What about your mom?
Does she care about you using/not using tampons?
What do you think about tampon usage?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Underestimating the students, much?

Zach and I started doing our adult school assignments with one mentality. We knew we didn't have to try too hard to get full credit on our assignments. Our motto in there was pretty much "This is Garfield Adult School... Not Rocha's advanced comp class!!"
I didn't forget my mentality, but I didn't think I would actually have to dumb down my assignments in order to make it believable that I'm a high school student.

(for those of you non Garfield students... Adult School is just and after school thing where you can make up classes you've failed and stuff. It's called that b/c it was originally intended for adults who didn't go to or finish high school, but now anyone can sign up)

Anyway... something really stupid happened today, and I'd like to share the story:

So I turned in an essay for adult school today and had it checked by the teachers, or whatever they like to call themselves. (They seem more like chaperons than anything.) I go up to one of the ladies and ask if I can have my grade. Then she tells me that she had talked with another teacher, they both read my essay, and decided that I didn't write it. I was like WTF kind of bullshit is that? They said it was too advanced for high school and wouldn't believe I wrote it no matter what I'd tell them. The smartass lady was all like "Well, then... if you're such a good writer... you wouldn't have failed that class and you wouldn't have to be making it up right now." Then I let them know how Mr. Rocha (the teacher whose class I was making up) is. I told them he was a hard grader, and that the class was actually Advanced Composition, not regular Expository Composition. They still thought it was bullshit. (Seriously, why would I make that up?) That one smartass lady even asked me what some of the words in my essay meant ("derogatory" being the hardest one) to prove that there wasn't anything in it that I didn't know. Then they told me to consult the assistant principal of Adult School to see what could be done. So I went to his office and he came down to the classroom like twenty minutes later. He read over my essay and said "You're right. This is too advanced for a high school student." I couldn't believe it. Then he asked for other samples of my writing, which they didn't have at hand, so he told me to write out my complaint in my normal writing style. This is what I wrote:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Alan and I are so lame people call us llamas. rofl.

reinix haha (8:44:48 PM): hehehe babies are sooo cute. ^_^
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (8:45:09 PM): nah
reinix haha (8:45:26 PM): stfu yes they are
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (8:47:42 PM): haha
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (8:47:45 PM): yep they are
reinix haha (8:47:56 PM): wooh
reinix haha (8:47:58 PM): woohoo*
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:04:31 PM): why did the cold war start?
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:04:35 PM): i forgot my noootes!
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:04:42 PM): **says it in a ricardo voice**
reinix haha (10:04:43 PM): ummm. what year was it in?
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:05:03 PM): im telling ya i forgot my noootes!
reinix haha (10:05:07 PM): oh gosh.
reinix haha (10:05:17 PM): i don't THINK we've covered that..
reinix haha (10:05:22 PM): unless we called it something else...
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:05:26 PM): no
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:05:39 PM): you would know it as cold war..or the forgotten war
reinix haha (10:05:51 PM): ionno
reinix haha (10:06:02 PM): haha, no wonder you FORGOT your notes
reinix haha (10:06:07 PM): da dum crash
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:06:08 PM): wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:06:13 PM): fucking A trackers
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:06:20 PM): tuuuuupid!
reinix haha (10:06:29 PM): =D
reinix haha (10:06:33 PM): you know you thought it was funny,.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:06:41 PM): it was
reinix haha (10:07:06 PM): haha
reinix haha (10:08:09 PM): myspace wont let le upload pictures. =(
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:08:41 PM): wack
reinix haha (10:11:01 PM): I think I got sunburnt =/
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:07 PM): wack
reinix haha (10:11:10 PM): i hate that shizzz
reinix haha (10:11:15 PM): my face is red enough as it is.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:16 PM): damn you reyna
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:26 PM): i had something to write down
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:31 PM): then you were all lke
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:40 PM): i think i got sunburnt =-/
reinix haha (10:11:41 PM): lmao.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:11:43 PM): and i lost it
reinix haha (10:11:44 PM): I'm toooo downn.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:12:02 PM): what year did WW2 end?
reinix haha (10:12:16 PM): lol.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:12:20 PM): wack
reinix haha (10:12:29 PM): just type WWII on
reinix haha (10:12:34 PM): it tells you the basics and stuff.
reinix haha (10:12:44 PM): well, sou8rces from wikipedia, and brtanica and all those
reinix haha (10:13:20 PM): A war fought from 1939 to 1945, in which Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and other allies defeated Germany, Italy, and Japan.
reinix haha (10:13:24 PM): 1945....
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:13:29 PM): got it
reinix haha (10:13:36 PM): oh... dugh, reyna. i did know that already =(
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:13:58 PM): lol
reinix haha (10:14:11 PM): man, i'm awesome.
reinix haha (10:14:17 PM): 'cause without me... it'd just be aweso.
reinix haha (10:14:22 PM): ahahaha =X
reinix haha (10:14:25 PM): man, i'm lame.
reinix haha (10:14:34 PM): I should stop IMing you... you seem to be doing hw and stuff..
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:14:39 PM): lol
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:14:52 PM): god your stuupid
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:14:57 PM): your not awesome
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:01 PM): your just me
reinix haha (10:15:05 PM): rofl
reinix haha (10:15:07 PM): i AM me!
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:09 PM): u swear your aweso
reinix haha (10:15:16 PM): diiiick
reinix haha (10:15:19 PM): i'm sooo aweso
reinix haha (10:15:24 PM): you wish you were me too
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:26 PM): noooot eeeveeeen
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:32 PM): o but i am
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:37 PM): i am me and more
reinix haha (10:15:39 PM): dick, you're not me
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:42 PM): i am me and aweso
reinix haha (10:15:43 PM): i'm not just me either
reinix haha (10:15:46 PM): i'm aweso
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:15:49 PM): therefore, im AWESOME!
reinix haha (10:15:54 PM): lmfao.
reinix haha (10:15:58 PM): we're fucking retards
reinix haha (10:16:03 PM): no
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:04 PM): beyond retarts
reinix haha (10:16:06 PM): you're just a tard
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:11 PM): dick
reinix haha (10:16:11 PM): i'm a re
reinix haha (10:16:15 PM): 'cause my name starts with re
reinix haha (10:16:16 PM): lmfao.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:19 PM): i put teh re in retard
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:23 PM): the*
reinix haha (10:16:29 PM): we can do this any word.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:33 PM): dick
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:36 PM): u know
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:40 PM): R from cruz
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:43 PM): and E from....
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:50 PM): name doesnt haven E
reinix haha (10:16:53 PM): haha
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:16:55 PM): have*
reinix haha (10:17:16 PM): You all all my letters but the E...
reinix haha (10:17:19 PM): and the Y..
reinix haha (10:17:22 PM): haha, nvm. then
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:17:50 PM): wtf..
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:17:57 PM): your wack
reinix haha (10:18:00 PM): i know, huh.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:18:09 PM): and in that one
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:18:16 PM): you put the wack in wack
reinix haha (10:18:21 PM): oh hell noo
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:18:25 PM): cuz your beyond wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:18:36 PM): cant get anymore wack than this
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:18:41 PM): like wacker than wack
reinix haha (10:19:27 PM): you're so wack
reinix haha (10:19:29 PM): you're wack
reinix haha (10:19:30 PM): too wack
reinix haha (10:19:32 PM): like
reinix haha (10:19:33 PM): twack
reinix haha (10:19:36 PM): yeah, twack.
reinix haha (10:19:39 PM): short for too wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:19:45 PM): wack!
reinix haha (10:19:49 PM): noo
reinix haha (10:19:52 PM): TWACK
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:19:57 PM): bwack!
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:05 PM): beyond wack
reinix haha (10:20:07 PM): duuuck
reinix haha (10:20:10 PM): lmfao
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:11 PM): cant get any wacker than that
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:12 PM): cuz
reinix haha (10:20:14 PM): diiick*
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:18 PM): your BEYOND WACK
reinix haha (10:20:25 PM): nah
reinix haha (10:20:27 PM): TOO WACK
reinix haha (10:20:32 PM): is much stronget than
reinix haha (10:20:34 PM): BEYONG WACK
reinix haha (10:20:38 PM): BEYOND*
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:50 PM): dick
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:58 PM): how can u be wacker than beyond wacker
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:20:59 PM): i mean
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:00 PM): beyoind
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:03 PM): beyond
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:08 PM): theres no more than beyond
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:11 PM): its like
reinix haha (10:21:18 PM): too wack = going beyong the beyond of wackness
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:23 PM): beyond- far far far out there, to the lemit
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:31 PM): limit*
reinix haha (10:21:37 PM): not necessarily..
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:38 PM): not even the limit
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:46 PM): like
reinix haha (10:21:46 PM): psh
reinix haha (10:21:50 PM): let's consult
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:21:52 PM): out there more than limit
reinix haha (10:22:01 PM): damnit
reinix haha (10:22:03 PM): mevermind
reinix haha (10:22:05 PM): lmfao
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:22:12 PM): why do you thing buzz light year said, infinity and beyond!
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:22:25 PM): cuz that fooo is going farther than father
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:22:33 PM): therefore
reinix haha (10:22:35 PM): yeah, that's why he FALLS
reinix haha (10:22:42 PM): ...with style
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:22:44 PM): u cannot be wacker than beyond wack
reinix haha (10:22:55 PM): yeah, if your wack doesn't fall
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:22:57 PM): cuz beyond wack is the the limit
reinix haha (10:22:57 PM): which yours doesn
reinix haha (10:22:57 PM): t
reinix haha (10:23:08 PM): 'cause your wack has winds
reinix haha (10:23:11 PM): wings*
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:12 PM): wtf
reinix haha (10:23:16 PM): that it got from red bull.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:20 PM): your wack has....
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:31 PM): super duper poweful rocket booosts..
reinix haha (10:23:41 PM): SO STFU
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:42 PM): that take you farther than the moon
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:50 PM): and takes you to the sun
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:23:53 PM): cuz your soooo wack
reinix haha (10:23:55 PM): lmfao
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:02 PM): that they gotta burn you in the sun
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:05 PM): cuz your sooooo wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:20 PM): but then you make the sun wack..cuz your wack then your in the sun
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:21 PM): wack
reinix haha (10:24:28 PM): dude, you're just asking to be Warn'd.
reinix haha (10:24:30 PM): lol.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:39 PM): ahaha
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:24:40 PM): fuck im lame
reinix haha (10:24:42 PM): LMFAO
reinix haha (10:24:43 PM): YESS
reinix haha (10:24:54 PM): this conversation is soooo bulletin worthy
reinix haha (10:24:58 PM): 'cause it's to aweso
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:25:32 PM): haha
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:25:35 PM): i was bout to post it
reinix haha (10:25:47 PM): go for it 'cause my AIM doesn't have line breaks =(
reinix haha (10:25:52 PM): so everything is bunched up
reinix haha (10:25:54 PM): it looks wack
reinix haha (10:25:57 PM): like you
reinix haha (10:25:59 PM): =D
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:06 PM): wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:10 PM): beyond wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:13 PM): and im awesome
reinix haha (10:26:14 PM): bwack
reinix haha (10:26:18 PM): i mean
reinix haha (10:26:19 PM): twack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:20 PM): unlike you Ms. aweso!
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:23 PM): haha
reinix haha (10:26:24 PM): stfu
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:26 PM): see
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:29 PM): you even said it
reinix haha (10:26:30 PM): i'm ME and AWESO
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:32 PM): bwack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:37 PM): not even
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:40 PM): your bwack
reinix haha (10:26:39 PM): uh huh
reinix haha (10:26:43 PM): you wish you had ME
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:44 PM): and awesome
reinix haha (10:26:46 PM): but you just have aweso
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:49 PM): maybe your awesome
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:55 PM): but im BAWESOME!
reinix haha (10:26:58 PM): LMFAO
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:26:59 PM): beyond awesome ok
reinix haha (10:26:59 PM): DAMNIT
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:27:09 PM): haha
reinix haha (10:27:20 PM): fuck you, go post this whole convo on a bulletin.. it's hilarious. rofl.
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:27:58 PM): wil do
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:28:31 PM): wack
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:28:33 PM): you post it
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:28:35 PM): im doing hw
reinix haha (10:28:45 PM): but AIM doesn't give me line breaks =(
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:28:50 PM): me neither
reinix haha (10:28:52 PM): really?
reinix haha (10:28:56 PM): it used to... =(
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:29:00 PM): yep me tooo
reinix haha (10:29:33 PM): woohoo. i got line breaks.
reinix haha (10:30:27 PM): The trick is to paste it on an IM and then paste your pase from there.... somehow..
cUrLyToPiSMyNaMe (10:30:48 PM): haha wtf

Me in ten years?

I hope so! Haha.

(15:26:21) ps11: this is you in 10 yrs
(15:26:22) ps11: [pic link]
(15:26:47) rex_villau: =/
(15:26:49) rex_villau: probably...
(15:26:55) ps11: ay why is it bad?
(15:27:03) rex_villau: it's not.
(15:27:04) rex_villau: ionno,
(15:27:19) rex_villau: it's just scary, y'know?
(15:27:25) ps11: no
(15:27:27) rex_villau: like... to know
(15:27:27) rex_villau: shit
(15:27:29) rex_villau: idk.
(15:27:29) ps11: you have coffeee
(15:27:39) rex_villau: but imma be all addicted to it
(15:27:44) rex_villau: and wont be able to wake up without it
(15:27:56) rex_villau: and she looks all bored n shit
(15:27:57) rex_villau: and like...
(15:28:10) ps11: haha she's enjoying a book
(15:28:14) ps11: after a morning of sex
(15:28:14) rex_villau: nice legs and all, like she's good in bed... but she hasn't gotten any in a while.
(15:28:16) ps11: so she's tired
(15:28:17) rex_villau: no no no
(15:28:23) ps11: no no she got some
(15:28:25) ps11: and is tired
(15:28:30) ps11: the next morn
(15:28:39) rex_villau: let's hope that's the story
(15:29:01) ps11: yeah im sure
(15:29:04) ps11: its gonna be like
(15:29:09) ps11: =o reyna
(15:29:10) ps11: wow
(15:30:29) rex_villau: omg, i wanna put that chick on my profile now
(15:30:33) ps11: oh
(15:30:35) rex_villau: hhaha
(15:30:35) ps11: yes
(15:30:36) ps11: you should
(15:30:42) ps11: that IS you in 10 yrs
(15:30:45) rex_villau: hmm... but where...
(15:31:39) ps11: ionno pics
(15:31:42) ps11: and make it default
(15:31:42) rex_villau: man, i'd fuck her..
(15:31:43) rex_villau: haha
(15:31:43) ps11: ionno
(15:31:45) ps11: haha
(15:31:47) rex_villau: i'd fuck me in 10 years.
(15:31:48) rex_villau: rofl.
(15:31:50) ps11: you'd fuck yourself lol
(15:31:56) rex_villau: seriously
(15:31:57) rex_villau: i mean
(15:31:58) rex_villau: look at her!
(15:32:00) rex_villau: those legs
(15:32:03) rex_villau: are dayum,
(15:32:05) rex_villau: the outfit, man.
(15:32:17) ps11: lol
(15:33:18) rex_villau: yeahhh
(15:33:22) rex_villau: i'd be happy to be my husband
(15:33:23) rex_villau: hahah
(15:33:44) ps11: if you change the colors
(15:33:45) rex_villau: and my kid's friend.
(15:33:49) rex_villau: like... dayum milf.
(15:34:01) rex_villau: hmm
(15:34:02) rex_villau: maybe.
(15:34:16) ps11: fuck
(15:34:22) ps11: get over yourself
(15:34:25) rex_villau: rofl.
(15:34:29) rex_villau: no!
(15:34:36) rex_villau: let me be happy for once
(15:34:43) ps11: oh ok
(15:34:46) pslv11: I'd hit it
(15:34:52) rex_villau: haha
(15:34:53) rex_villau: woot.
(15:35:16) ps11: I mean I'd hit it now on a good day
(15:35:21) ps11: but that's besides the point

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two guys, a girl, and a bag.

Tuesday January the 29th. Zachary, Jonathan, and Reyna went on a field trip with their good friend Bag.

Whoops, no parking!

Bad Bag, get outta there!

Bag doesn't J-walk.

Noo. Silly Bag. You're not for rent.

Damnit, Bag! We already told you! NO PARKING!

Don't go the wrong way, Bag.

Oh wow, Bag went to East LA.

Where'd Bag go? =[

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Untitled [due to a lack of creativity, originality, and inspiration]

So I was watching this:

and i was like
haha, i already knew the first two or three facts.
the whole thing was a trip
then i'm like
ehhh fuck it.
it is what it is.
nothing i can do to change the US as we know it
sometimes i wish i cared about stuff going on in the world, tho
i mean, i do care
but i wish i cared enough to do something about it
i wish i wasn't so caught up in myself and bitching about what a louse i am, y'know?
then i'd be more motivated to do good in the future. 'cause i'd have a goal n shit.

Don't be offended...

People have to stop swearing i mean everything i say.

ok, maybe i do.
maybe i don't.

they just have to stop getting pan hurt.

i'm not a bitch.
i just bring up taboo subjects. =D
or make taboo comments, whatever.

people that know me... know not to get all hurt about the shit i say about them.
they know i don't say it to be a bitch.
that's just the way i am.

i guess i'm a horrible friend.

this was originally a bulletin aimed at one person.
i decided to blog it 'cause i wanna keep this.
but i know i've made others get all pan hurt without meaning to
only because i said something that was on my mind.

i'm not sorry. i'm just like that.

i guess this is just a heads up for you if you're gonna start talking to me or hanging out with me.