I just had to make a Seinfeld reference.I finally bought
ReynaVilla.com! I'd been wanting to buy my own personal domain since I was about twelve years old. I remember all when I would create/edit/upload stuff to GarfieldPercussion.com and GarfieldIndependent.org, wishing I had my own little place on the internet, since I pretty much spent all my free time on it. I'm not popular AT ALL on the web, but I figured that I kinda owed this to myself.
Now that I think of it, my life since elementary school has been just a whole lot of web phases. As a kid, I felt sooo cool when I got my first hotmail address.Sometime in middle school my made my first little Harry Potter website, hosted on FreeWebs (which is now just webs.com), and spent an insane amount of time on Harry Potter fansites. It was also around ths time that I made a small site where I posted lame little graphics I made, most of which were icons/avatars. From there, I went on to LiveJournal and got a blog on there. Not much came from that, except a bunch of ranting and complaining. When my freshman year of high school arrived, I got a MySpace account. Ohh, how I'd spend heaps of time angling my photos appropriately (MySpace-appropriate; "the angles"), posting bulletins, commenting photos, and making my own layouts. Heck, I even made layouts for friends. It wasn't that hard to figure out how to alter them if you had prior knowledge of HTML and CSS. Two or three years after this, I got an account on Facebook. Oh, gosh. I would update my status on there like it was nobody's business. (Which, really... it
was nobody's business. Whatever that means.)
Nowadays, my time online is spent on YouTube and Twitter. I use YouTube mostly as an alternative to blogging. If I'm not in the mood to blog, I usually just make a video and vise versa. I update my Twitter just a tad bit more than I used to update my Facebook during my late high school/early college days. There's just something about instant feedback that I absolutely
love. Twitter is the perfect place for that. I consult my followers on there for almost everything. They're truly amazing. It's also fun to see everyone else's muses and rants.
That leads me to today. And I don't mean "today" as in "this era." I mean today. Literally. I bought ReynaVilla.com out of sheer online vanity. I'm hosting my blog on here for now, but who knows what I'll do with it in the future. That's what happens with most of the websites I'm on. I got my Facebook account during my junior year of high schoool, but didn't start using it for another year. Same thing with Twitter. I had the account, and didn't actually use it for a while. I get the feeling that ReynaVilla.com probably just
will remain as a site where I post my blogs and link to other accounts, but I'm fine with that. I'm kinda tired of being [WebsiteName] dot com
SLASH REINIX. I don't wanna be a slash. I just wanna be me. I also don't want my full name followed by dot com to be owned by anybody else. It's mine mine and only mine.